Jussi Kangasoja: On a way to transform institutions smART

Thursday, March 1, 2018, 3:30 pm 

With a coherent and multi-layered use of digital technology, social web tools, adaptive storytelling concepts as well as joint exhibitions and activities on- and offline institutions will be turned into »smARTplaces«. Digital technologies and tools give the opportunity to identify and engage with diverse and larger audiences in many ways that were not possible few years ago.
But is it just like a walk in the park? This talk is about challenges for institutions. We touch the technical dimension but also discuss about non-technical dimensions that are strictly related how (if) to utilize technologies. Which are the technologies institutions should invest and which trends they should follow?


Jussi Kangasoja

Jussi Kangasoja is a knowledge transferring specialist in various fields of Content-Business-Technology sphere. He has passion to everything which provides value for the user, has digits inside and can communicate. He holds Master’s degree in Information Technology (Wireless Technologies) and Bachelor in Telecommunications by education. He has been working in a number of demanding research and development initiatives with the work profile of project manager, consult and technical expert. Currently he works as a Team Manager for the Creative Industries at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, School of Media and Performing Arts.