Science Slam: Jonas Betzendahl | Maschinelles Lernen (Und warum das vielleicht gruseliger ist, als es klingt)

25.05.2018 to 26.05.2018

On May 26, 2018, Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. informed about its work and its commitment to free knowledge at the ZKM. A interactive exhibition area was accompanied by short lectures and a panel discussion with experts from culture and the open network world. A group of young scientists started the evening before with exciting ideas and a lot of humour to attract the attention of the audience at the Science Slam. Concentrated science explained funny, informative and vividly in 10 minutes each.

Jonas Betzendahl is a PhD student in computer science at FAU Erlangen/Nuremberg.

Video documentary:

ZKM | Videostudio

Camera: Frenz Jordt
Live-Editing: Christina Zartmann
Editing: Bastian Buchgraber