Science Slam: Marion Goller | Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverlage

25.05.2018 to 26.05.2018

On May 26, 2018, Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. informed about its work and its commitment to free knowledge at the ZKM. A interactive exhibition area was accompanied by short lectures and a panel discussion with experts from culture and the open network world. A group of young scientists started the evening before with exciting ideas and a lot of humour to attract the attention of the audience at the Science Slam. Concentrated science explained funny, informative and vividly in 10 minutes each.

Marion Goller is a postgraduate law student at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Video documentary:

ZKM | Videostudio

Camera: Frenz Jordt
Live-Editing: Christina Zartmann
Editing: Bastian Buchgraber