Udo Breger

Brion at 6 Meisengasse, Basel, giving a private lecture of the history of Alamout and Hassan-i-Sabbah, founder of the Ismaelite Sect to Jürgen Ploog who’s about to leave to go back to Frankfurt

Künstler/in / Künstlergruppe
Udo Breger
Brion at 6 Meisengasse, Basel, giving a private lecture of the history of Alamout and Hassan-i-Sabbah, founder of the Ismaelite Sect to Jürgen Ploog who’s about to leave to go back to Frankfurt
Fotografie, Farbfotografie
Material / Technik
Maße / Dauer
29 x 44 cm
ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

Über den/die Künstler/in