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Subnormal Europe: Óscar Escudero and Belenish Moreno-Gil

World premiere with Noa Frenkel and Sebastian Schottke

Sun, June 14, 2020 7:00 pm CEST

© Christian Damiano

The composers, multimedia artists and performers Óscar Escudero and Belenish Moreno-Gil created a performance that explores audiovisual fragments and follows the traces of European community.

As a commissioned composition and libretto by the City of Munich and the Hertz Laboratory of the ZKM Karlsruhe, the two artists created the performance »Subnormal Europe« for the Munich Biennale 2020.

Moments in personal and social history are characterized by their fragmentary nature. In the linear movement of audiovisual progress of the past years, impressions of special moments in technical reproduction arise. These are often so exact that the original cannot be distinguished from the replica. How can this be experienced artistically? Where and how does Europe shape itself?

Together with the alto Noa Frenkel and the sound engineer Sebastian Schottke, Escudero and Moreno-Gil will create live replicas of the such fragments during the performance. They will enter into a process that will be co-designed by the audience. Parallel to each performance a series of interviews will be published on the Instagram account @belenish.escudero. The results of this artistic process, the reactions, criticism and effect on the performance by the online community will be collected and kept by the EU.


Óscar Escudero & Belenish Moreno-Gil (concept, composition, dramaturgy, stage direction, costume, text, video and audio production), Noa Frenkel (Contralto), Sebastian Schottke (voice) ZKM | Hertz Laboratory: Ludger Brümmer (project management), Götz Dipper (project coordination, live electronics), Sophie Hesse (organization) Moritz Büchner (video studio: technical direction video), Andy Koch (video studio: camera), Güzide Coker (video studio: Flap & script), Xenia Leidig (video studio: video editing, set photos & videos), Hans Gass (set stage & lighting), Sebastian Schottke (live electronics, sound direction), Jakob Schreiber (sound recording), Bernd Lintermann (iPad software), Manfred Hauffen (technical support)

Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 109982
flex-row-9-3 reverse

The performance will be accompanied by the »Salon of Wonders and Views«. Perceptions, intentions, circumspections, thorough examinations, and even compassions are envisioned, and desired at this year’s Munich Biennale’s »Salon of Wonders and Views«. It has to do with stopping in, turning around and perhaps also returning to a point of NEW return. On each respective evening, the members of the artistic management team, illustrious guests, and artists from the festival’s productions will converse about this in a consistently playful ritual with quirky musical interspersions during this late evening event.

With Marion Hirte, Daniel Ott, Manos Tsangaris, Malte Ubenauf and guests from the production of »Subnormal Europe«.

Sunday, 14.06.2020, 20.30 pm
(The event will be shown at a later date. More information will follow shortly)
Language: German
Entry: free

Organizing Organization / Institution

A coproduction of the ZKM and the Munich Biennial
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

