BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Clair obscur

Sat, January 22, 2011 8:00 pm CET

The question of the relationship between instrumental and electronic music is constantly reposed. Not only in compositions that combine the two, but also in mixed programs with pure instrumental and electronic compositions, such as in the concert “Clair obscure,” which the Ensemble für Neue Musik of the University of Music in Karlsruhe led by Gérard Buquet will present at ZKM. The confrontation of one musical means with another changes listening and opens new perspectives. This applies especially to sound specialists, such as Ligeti, Donatoni, and Sciarrino, who subtly sound out the instrumental canon and lead beyond the norm, or Christian Zanési, from France, who for his part, guides acousmatic composition to new realms. The polarity “Klar/hell–unklar/dunkel” (clear/light–unclear/dark) is more than just the title of the program.


Christian Zanési “Stop! L'Horizon” for cassette solo (1996)
Francesco Donatoni “Etwas ruhiger im Ausdruck” for ensemble (1967)
Salvatore Sciarrino “Introduzione all'oscuro” for 12 instruments (1981)
Vincent Carinola “Constructio ad sensum” for 8 instruments and electronics (1996), German premiere
György Ligeti “Musica ricercata VI – XI” for piano (1951-1953)

Participants Ensemble for new music by the University of Music Karlsruhe
Head Gérard Buquet

Magdalena Bäz, Kathrin Lösch, Melanie Steiner, flute
Davide Guarneri, oboe
Andreas Kerner, Andrea Marx, clarinet
Mitja Buchner, bassoon
Clément Formatche, trumpet
Jared Scott, horn
Alexander Heinz, trombone
Hiroko Tamaki, Anne Zadory, violin
Karla Mertke, viola
Anna Heusler, violoncello
Damien Cesbron, double bass
Gryta Tatoryte, piano
Jérôme Schwarderlé, drums

sound direction: Holger Stenschke and Vincent Carinola
sound technology: Anton Kossjanenko
light: Hans Gass
tutorat: Johanna Rupp

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

