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Festival of Electronic Music

Wed, November 23 – Sun, November 27, 2011

The IMATRONIC Festival, hosted by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA) is the largest festival of electronic music in Germany that presents and awards current young developments. The focus of this year’s festival is the awarding of the Giga-Hertz-Prize 2011 to up-and-coming young composers, as well as a main prize for an extraordinary composer personality. The Walter-Fink-Prize at ZKM for dance, electroacoustic music, and media goes to creative teams and supports new concepts and their realization at ZKM. The awards ceremony also includes concert presentations by last year’s prize winners, a concert by the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR with live-electronic compositions for ensemble as well as a surprise concert with the prize winners of 2011.

A special focus this year is the presentation of Iannis Xenakis. Dedicated to this visionary composer will be a symposium and a concert evening in the context of Piano+. The combination of piano, electronic music, and medial extensions has for some years been a particularly important artistic interest of ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics. This becomes especially visible with the series Piano+, curated by Catherine Vickers, who this year as well premiers central positions within contemporary piano composition.

Wed November 23

Opening Concert IMATRONIC

8 p.m. at ZKM_Cube
"Öffentliche Intimität / Public Intimacy" Piano+ I
with works by Bojidar Spassov, Martin Messmer, Michael Beil
"Mechanics" Piano+ II
with works by Philip Glass, Isang Yun, Conlon Nancarrow, Ludger Brümmer & Götz Dipper

Thurs November 24

"Iannis Xenakis 1922 – 2001"

5 p.m. at the ZKM_Lecture Hall
Symposium "Xenakis, Algorithms, Electronics"
Lectures by Makis Solomos and Sharon Kanach, followed by podium discussion

7 p.m. at ZKM_Cube
"Iannis Xenakis: Piano and Electroacoustics" Piano+ III

  • Iannis Xenakis "Concret PH" for two-channel sound reel (1958)
  • Iannis Xenakis "À.r.(Hommage à Ravel)" for piano (1987)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Herma" for piano (1960/61)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Bohor" for multi-channel sound reel (1962)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Dikhthas" for piano and violin (1979)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Six Chansons" for piano (1951)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Orient-Occident" for four-channel sound reel (1960)
  • Iannis Xenakis "Evryali" for piano (1973)

Piano: Martin von der Heydt, Axel Gremmelspacher, Catherine Vickers
Violin: Jacek Klimkiewicz

9 p.m. at ZKM_Cube
"Xenakis today" Piano+ IV
Iannis Xenakis "Mists" for piano (1981)
Iannis Xenakis "Diamorphosis" for sound reel (1957)
Martin Iddon (*1975) "Karya" with midi-grand piano and electronics (UA, 2011)
Johannes Kreidler (*1980) piece for piano and video (UA, 2011)
Piano: Rei Nakamura

Fri November 25

5 p.m. at the ZKM_Lecture Hall
Symposium "Xenakis, Algorithms, Electronics"
Lectures by Daniel Teige and Reinhold Friedl

Attention, new schedule:
7 p.m. at the ZKM_Cube
"Butoh-Dance" – Electronic Music and Dance

  • Gilles Gobeil "Effraction de l'oubli Compagnie Li(luo)" for music and Butoh dance (2010) Dance: Camille Mutel
  • Gilles Gobeil: Sound Director / Klangdom

9 p.m. at the ZKM_Cube
"Piatronics" Piano+ V

  • Enno Poppe (*1969) "Arbeit / Work" (2007/08, 15')
  • Orm Finnendahl (*1963) "Wheel of Fortune" for midi-grand piano and live electronics with video (1993/94, rev. 1995, 15’)
  • Maximilian Marcoll (*1981) "Samstag morgen – Berlin-Neukölln. Studie. Und Selbstportrait. Mit Hirsch. Für Klavier und Zuspielungen / Saturday Morning – Berlin- Neukölln. Study. And Self-portrait. With Stag. For piano and accompaniment" (2007)
  • Hans Tutschku (*1966) "Zellen – Linien / Cells – Lines" for piano and live electronics (2007)
  • Terry Riley (*1935) "Keyboard Study #2" (realized with Zirkonium/Klangdom) Piano: Sebastian Berweck


Sat November 26

IMATRONIC Awards Ceremony and Concerts
Giga-Hertz Prize, Walter-Fink Prize

5 p.m. at the ZKM_Media Theater
Concert by the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR

  • André Richard "Glidif" for contrabass clarinet, two contrabasses and live electronics (1989-91)
  • João Pedro Oliveira "Angel Rock" for bass clarinet, drums and live electronics (2010)
  • Detlef Heusinger "Abraum II" (new arrangements) for violin, violoncello, piano and live electronics (2010)

Live electronic realisation: EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR Klangregie: Thomas Hummel, André Richard, Detlef Heusinger, Joachim Haas, Simon Spillner;
Conductor: Detlef Heusinger
Collegium Novum Zurich: Urs Walker (violin), Imke Frank (cello), Johannes Nied (contrabass), Käthi Steuri (contrabass), Elmar Schmid (contra-)bassclarinet, Simone Keller (piano), Martin Lorenz (marimba)

7 p.m. at the ZKM_Foyer
Award Ceremony
Walter-Fink-Prize for dance, electroacoustic music and media

laureates: Mireille Leblanc and Åke Parmerud

Giga-Hertz-Prize for Electronic Music 2011
further laureates 2011: Eric Lyon, Andrea Vigani, Benedikt Schiefer, Anthony Tan, Aaron Einbond, Madjid Tahriri
produktion laureate 2011: Horacio Vaggione
main laureate 2011: Pierre Boulez

8.45 p.m. at ZKM_Media Theater
Pierre Boulez
Concert with the EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR

  • Pierre Boulez "Anthèmes I" for violin
  • Mark Andre "...hoc..." for violoncello and live electronic music (2006)
  • Pierre Boulez "Anthèmes II" for violin and live electronic music

Michael Barenboim (violin)
Imke Frank (violoncello), Collegium Novum Zurich
Live electronic realisation: EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR

9.30 p.m. at the ZKM_Foyer
Walter-Fink Prize Winner 2010
Daniel Berwanger and Pipo Tafel with Iain McCurdy "One Three Two (133)" Composition for solo-dance, camera, live-electronics [UA, 2011]

10.15 p.m. at the ZKM_Cube
Concert with Prize Winners

  • Robert Normandeau "Le Part des Anges" [The Angels’ Share] (UA, 2011)
  • Orestis Karamanlis "Toys" for 24-kanal fixed media (UA, 2011)
  • Horacio Vaggione "Points Critiques" (2011)

11.30 p.m. and on the ZKM_Music Balcony
Reception and Dinner

Sun November 27

7 p.m. at the ZKM_Media Theater
film screening
Rememberemember. Wilson's Waco - Watermill - World

The exhibition "Iannis Xenakis" (November 23 – December 31, 2011 on the ZKM_Music Balcony) unfortunatly had to be cancelled.

IMATRONIC is the Festival of Electronic Music at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA). TheGiga-Hertz Prize for Electronic Music 2011 will be organized by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA) and EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO des SWR. The Walter-Fink Prize of the ZKM for Dance, Electroacoustic Music and Media is made possible by the music patron Walter Fink.

The Swiss ART Foundation "Pro Helvetia" supports the guest performance of Collegium Novum Zürich on November 26 at the ZKM | Karlsruhe.


Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

