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IMA | lab No.26: Sébastien Roux

Tue, September 23, 2014 6:00 pm CEST

© photo: Sébastien Roux

As a guest artist at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics during the first half of 2014, Sébastian Roux worked on the series of compositions entitled »Inevitable Music«. In discussion with Ludger Brümmer, Roux will introduce the public to his conceptual deliberations, as well as to the applied translation strategies of his work.

One of the algorithms developed by Sébastien Roux takes the wall drawings by North American minimal artist Sol LeWitt (1927–2007) as the starting point for generative scores in electro-acoustic music. An increasing number of new variations are singled out from the visual context of wall drawings before being applied to the compositional source material of a Bach cantata. With the reduction to basic wave forms of electronic sound synthesis, Roux also reflects LeWitt’s fascination for simple geometric forms and serial technique.

In recent years, French composer and sound artist Sébastien Roux has pursued intensive study of the inter-genre cross-connections between the visual and auditory world, and has been able to realize important works at the cutting edge of composition and generative sound art.

The 26th version of the IMA | lab is scheduled to take place for the first time at the ZKM_Mini Dome, a studio version of the ZKM_Sound Dome.

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

