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14th Silent Movie Festival Karlsruhe as guest at ZKM

Cinema of Passions

Wed, March 09 – Sun, March 13, 2016

The familiarly diverse program will whisk silent movie fans away into a cinema of passions this year. Love stories take a central position, with not all ending inescapably in tragic catastrophes – in some films in the program, the conflicts resolve themselves with humor.

To name just a couple of highlights: For fans of suspense, this year’s programme has a film by Alfred Hitchcock for the first time. And the youngest fans of silent moves will also get their money’s worth with the children’s program. The Culinary Cinema heads for maritime – both on the screen and on the plate – and the public will be listening to the famous Karlsruher Ensemble Kammerflimmer Kollektief during the film concert. The festival team is particularly looking forward to an evening with the Japanese film narrator Ichiro Kataoka and a special performance will be taking place on the subject of racism in cooperation with the »Week Against Racism«.
As well as the ZKM_Media Theater, the main sites for these events will be the students’ union on Adenauerring and the Kinemathek cinema.

Program at ZKM (March 12 & 13, 2016)

For the whole program, please see&
Saturday, March 12, 2016
12 am »Rübenzahls Hochzeit«
Direction: Paul Wegener; musical accompaniment: Stephen Horne
3 pm »Intolerance« (USA 1916)
Direction: David W. Griffith
8:30 pm Film concert
»Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt« (D 1928)
Direction: Walter Ruttman; musical accompaniment: Kammerflimmer Kollektief
10:30 pm »Dritte Meschanskajastraße (Liebe zu Dritt)« (RU 1927), Direction: Abram Room
Short film before: »Le Chrysanthème rouge« (F 1913), Direction: Léonce Perret, with Suzanne Grandais
Musical accompaniment: Baka Trio: François Hagenmüller, Mathias Romang, Rémi Schwartz; (all three: Marimba)
Sunday, March 13, 2016
12 am »Geheimnisse des Orients« (D/F 1927/1928)
Direction: Alexander Volkoff; musical accompaniment: Andreas Benz
5 pm »Die Frau nach der man sich sehnt« (D 1928)
Direction: Kurt Bernhardt; musical accompaniment: »Capella Obscura« led by Cornelia Brugger, Matthias Vogt (Klavier); music: composed and arranged by Cornelia Brugger
8:30 pm Closing
»Irrgarten der Leidentschaft« (D/GB 1925)
Direction: Alfred Hitchcock; musical accompaniment: Karlsruher Improvisationsensemble
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

