BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

The Future of Light Art

Thu, February 08 – Fri, February 09, 2018

Media Theater

Light is a messenger from the universe. The arts are the messengers of light. From February 8–9, 2018, a symposium on the future of light art will take place at the ZKM. The symposium can also be followed via livestream!

Everything we know, we know from light – that is the claim by astrophysics at least. One thing is clear: From quantum optics (»The Angular Momentum of Light«) to chronobiology, from nano-optics to photonics, a new frontier of scientific research on the nature of light is emerging. These options, which offer us new theories and practices of light, from biophysical chemistry to the lithosphere, also have an impact on artistic possibilities. For this reason, renowned experts and institutions from the sciences and arts of light are invited to open up the new horizon of the light spectrum in an exchange of experiences.

Please note: The conference is held in English.



Thrusday, February 8, 2018


Welcome Address

  • Prof. Peter Weibel (ZKM | Karlsruhe)

Panel I

  • Prof. Ortwin Hess (Imperial College London): »Active Nanophotonics and Metamaterials with Quantum Gain on the Nanoscale«
  • Prof. Ana María Cetto (National Autonomous University of Mexico): »Metamaterials: New Perspectives for Light Art«
  • Thorsten Bauer (URBANSCREEN): »Between Light and Stone - about the Essence of Light in Projection«
12.30Lunch Break

Panel II

  • Prof. Dr. Anders Kristensen (University of Copenhagen): »Laser Printing Optical Metasurfaces«
  • Prof. Dr. Laura Na Liu (Heidelberg University): »Dynamic Plasmonic Color Displays«
  • Dr. Martin Frimmer (ETH Zürich): »Optical Forces: How much are we allowed to know?«
4.00Coffee Break

Panel III

  • László Bordos (Bordos.ArtWorks): »Light Drawn Spaces«
  • Hannes Koch & Florian Ortkrass (Random International): »When you can’t see what is not touching you«
  • Leo Villareal (Leo Villareal Studio): »Light + Code as Medium«


Friday, February 9, 2018


Welcome Address & Panel I

  • Kudo Takashi (teamLab): »Digital Art by teamLab«
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen (University of Basel): »Beyond our Eyes: the non-visual Impact of Light«
  • Prof. Dr. Günther Leising (Graz University of Technology): »Waves – Photons – Colors – Visual Intelligence«
12.30Lunch Break

Panel II

  • Dr. Kirsten Walsh (University of Nottingham): »Newton’s Theory of Colour: ROYGBIV and Harmonics«
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Köberl (University of Vienna): »Astronomy and Light: Too much or too little?«
  • Dr. Beth Singler (University of Cambridge): »Artificial Intelligence: A New Era of Reason and Enlightenment?«
4.00Coffee Break

Panel III

  • Dr. Tim Otto Roth (imachination projects): »Transcending the Optics – some Physical Reflections«
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eichler (Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin): »Holographic Arts«
  • Dr. Fabrizio Tamburini (ZKM | Karlsruhe): »Light in a Twist«

Panel Discussion

  • Prof. Arthur I. Miller (University College London)
  • Prof. Peter Weibel (ZKM | Karlsruhe)
  • Hannes Koch & Florian Ortkrass (Random International)
  • Prof. Ana María Cetto (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
  • Prof. Dr. Günther Leising (Graz University of Technology)


In collaboration with


Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

