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#bebeethoven Showcase

Ideas, performances and discourses of contemporary music creation

Sat, March 02, 2019 2:00 pm – 10:30 pm CET

Featuring discussions, performances and concert contributions, the #bebeethoven Showcase provides an insight into the #bebeethoven Fellowship Program initiated to mark Beethoven's anniversary in 2020.

New ideas, innovative projects and exciting impulses for the classical and contemporary music scene are to be supported by the Fellowship Programme of the PODIUM Esslingen: Continuing Beethoven's revolutionary character, 12 young artists will have the opportunity to realize their own ideas.

How does art contribute to culture? How does the foreign influence music? How do we cope artistically with new dimensions such as artificial intelligence? As part of the showcase, the artists of the program will discuss these central questions of artistic music making with representatives of the partner institutions and the ZKM, the curator of #bebeethoven Steven Walter, and the audience.

Following the discussion, performances and concert contributions by six #bebeethoven Fellows offer a sensual insight into current projects by the #bebeethoven artists. The spectrum ranges from new approaches of interpretation and experiments with artificial intelligence to a participatory composition project on the Internet.

Pianist Mathias Halvorsen, who explores new ways of interpreting classical music and dedicates himself to Johann Sebastian Bach's music in a highly unusual way with his work »The Well-Prepared Piano«, will also be present. Kaan Bulak, also pianist and composer, brings his vision of electro-acoustic chamber music to life with a composition for electronics and string quartet. With »Wiki-Piano.Net« Alexander Schubert presents a work in which more than 500 internet users have already contributed online. Cellist and performer Michael Rauter will also introduce excerpts from his solo music theatre performance »The Gap«, a work about growing up in an infantile world. Finally, the artists' collective Quadrature shows how technology, art and science can be united in a sensual way: space data is made accessible with a self-built satellite dish, which is then harmonized and visualized in a fascinating audiovisual performance.




 2 pm   welcoming adress

2:30 pm     

Panel I: Art in Kulture

The creation of music in the fields of tension between preservation and invention, interpretation and composition, past and reality

  • with Kaan Bulak, Mathias Halvorsen, Michael Rauter (#bebeethoven-Fellows), Guy Coolen, Operadagen
  • impulse: Steven Walter, PODIUM Esslingen & Kurator #bebeethoven                                
  • moderation: Ludger Brümmer, ZKM | Karlsruhe
 3:30 pm        coffee break
 4 pm

Lecture: Aesthetics of Artificial Intelligence

  • Holly Herndon, #bebeethoven-Fellow
  • moderation: Yannick Hofmann, ZKM | Karlsruhe
 4:45 pm     

Panel II: The foreign in music

The new in music often comes from afar, through a musical encounter with the foreign, through the clash of cultures, perspectives and ways of listening, sometimes even from outer space. About the relation of artists to the foreign

  • et al. with Alexander Schubert, Quadrature, Elisa Erkelenz, #bebeethoven-Fellows
  • impulse: Björn Gottstein, Donaueschinger Musiktage
  • moderation: Yannick Hofmann, ZKM | Karlsruhe



 7 pm

Mathias Halvorsen:

»The Well-Prepared Piano«

Kaan Bulak:

»Cello Sonata«

»Six Pieces for Piano«

»Piano Quintet No.1 'Augmented'«


with Moritz ter Nedden (violin), NN (viola), Simone Drescher (violoncello), Kristina Edin (double bass)

 8:30 pm   break
 9 pm

Michael Rauter:

»THE GAP« (excerpts from solo performance)


Alexander Schubert:

»Acceptance« (Screening)





Alexander Schubert:


with Mathias Halvorsen (piano)


10:30 pm        

End of event

Project Team

Steven Walter, Yannick Hofmann (Artistic Direction)
Lukas Onken (Project Lead)
Sebastian Schottke, David Luchow (Sound Technician)
Hans Gass (Light- & Event Technician)
Dorte Becker, Sophie Caecilia Hesse (Organisation)

Organizing Organization / Institution

An event as part of #bebeethoven, a project of PODIUM Esslingen, sponsored by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and part of the official Beethoven anniversary program BTHVN2020.
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

