Antonina Stebur

Portrait of Antonina Stebur
Year of birth, place
1984, Mogilev, Belarus

Antonina Stebur is a curator, art historian, and art critic who holds an MA in Visual and Cultural Studies from the European Humanities University, Lithuania. She lectures on activist practices in contemporary arts at the Berlin University of the Arts and the European College of Liberal Art (Minsk, Belarus). She is a co-founder of the #damaudobnayavbytu (convenient woman in everyday life) project on gender discrimination in Belarus and other former Soviet countries, a co-founder of, a research platform about activist political art and performance, and co-initiator of The International Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the War in Ukraine, With Hanna Samarskaya she co-authored »The History of Belarusian Photography« book. She is a co-curator of the exhibitions »Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance« (Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine), »Names« (Brest, Minsk, Vitebsk, Belarus), »I Was Approaching the City I Had Not Known Yet« (Dnipro, Ukraine), and others. Her research interests include feminism, post-Soviet studies, political art, performance studies, grassroots activism, access to public space, tactics of resistance and solidarity, and creating infrastructures.