Doris Gassert

Doris Gassert holds a Ph.D. in media studies and is currently research assistant at the House of Electronic Arts Basel (CH). She studied English, media studies, and law in Basel and completed her Ph.D. in the interdisciplinary ProDoc »Aesthetics of Intermediality: Play, Ritual, Performance« at the Institute of Media Studies, University of Basel. Gassert is coeditor of »Dis Connecting Media. Technik, Praxis und Ästhetik des Telefons: Vom Festnetz zum Handy« (Christoph Merian Verlag, 2011) and »Intermediale Inszenierungen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Medientheoretische Analysen und ästhetische Konzepte« (transcript, 2010).
