BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Hiroshi Kawano

Hiroshi Kawano, ZKM_Cube, June 13, 2010
© ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Photo: ONUK

Year of birth, place


Year of death, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Artist of the Collection
  • Artist of the archive


Hiroshi Kawano studied German philosophy and aesthetics at the University of Tokyo. (grad. 1951). 1955–1961 assistant professor at the University of Tokyo. 1961–1972 lecturer and associate professor at the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering. 1972–1988 professor at the Metropolitan College of Technology, Tokyo. 1986 Ph.D. from Osaka University. 1986–1990 professor at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology. 1990–1994 professor at Nagano University. 1994–1996 professor at the Tohoku University of Art and Design. 1997–2001 visiting professor et Tama Art University. 

His interest in semiotics led him to the writings of Max Bense and "information aesthetics" in the early 1960s. In September 1964 he published his first computer-generated images, followed by experiments in the field of computer-generated literature and, in the 1970s, with computer-generated music.

Exhib.: 1968, »1st Computer Art Contest«, Sankei Building, Tokyo. 1970, »Computer Art Exhibit«, Plaza DIC, Tokyo. 1973, »Cybernetic ARTRIP: Computer Art Exhibition ’73«, Sony Building, Tokyo.
Lit.: H. K., [A Study on Aesthetics and Information Theory], in: [Report of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air Technology], 1, 1962, pp. 77–85. H. K., [Computer and Design], in: »IBM Review«, 6, September 1964, pp. 53–57. H. K., [Design Simulation by Computer], in: [Summary of the Design Society’s 11th Convention], 1964, pp. 8–11. H. K., [Monte Carlo Method of Experimental Design], in: [Report of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Air Technology], 1964, pp. 75–91. H. K., “Computer Arts Exhibition. Demonstrated at the Plaza DIC. Kawano Hiroshi and Shimomura Chihaya,” in: [Graphic Design], 41, March 1971, pp. 31–42.

In 2010 Hiroshi Kawano donated his archive and his artworks to ZKM.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

