Milan Grygar. Sound on Paper

Cover der Publikation »Milan Grygar. Sound on Paper«

Type of publication
Exhibition catalog
Author / Editor
Noemi Smolik und Peter Weibel (eds.)
Publishing house, place
ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe

In 1965 Milan Grygar (*1926) was drawing with a reed pen in his studio in Prague. All of a sudden he became acutely aware of the sounds that the pen was making on the paper. He recorded them. Thus the first »Acoustic Drawings« came into existence, which combine visual and acoustic elements. From that moment on, Grygar explored in his oeuvre – which comprises drawings, images, photographs, performances, and professional musicians’ performances of his »Scores« – the interdependence of sound and image, seeking to trace the very instant in time when the strokes of a pen invade emptiness and sounds break the silence.

German and English
152 p., 140 ill., 27 x 22 cm, soft-cover