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... aus freier Lust ... verbunden ... / Einklang freier Wesen

symposium & showcase

Sat, April 10, 2021 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm CEST

© WAF GmbH

Artists, ensembles and promoters discuss digital music experience and showcase a global cooperation project.

»The new era has begun. [...] Culture is becoming an online paradise,« Peter Weibel stated in his essay »Virus, Virality, Virtuality«. Based on his theory of a telesociety (»Ferngesellschaft«), representatives of international ensembles, the ZKM | Karlsruhe, and promoters discuss the limits and opportunities of the digital music experience and present the cooperative project »einklang freier wesen« – an interactive audio interface that enables one to experience an ensemble work by Georg Friedrich Haas online.

The project will not only explore the possibilities for music reception created by new technologies and what these imply for analog music, but also the extent to which the telesociety in general represents a desirable utopia and whether the digital space offers an opportunity for the diversification of audiences, artists, and aesthetic positions.

The event is held in English.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_video / GPC_ID: 113206
Panel discussion

symposium & showcase einklang freier wesen

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Experience the work in the interactive app!

You can take an exploratory journey through the work via the digital audiointerface, which lets you give the soloists of the five ensembles a voice, place them in space and choose the constellation. This makes the global interaction actively tangible and the musical experience interactive.

The app will be launched at the next event date.

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with: Theresa Beyer (Music Journalist & Curator), Sandeep Bhagwati (Ensembles Extrakte & Sangeet Prayog, matralab at Concordia University Montréal), Prof. Ludger Brümmer (ZKM), Gina Emerson (Musicologist & Member of GRiNM), Prof. Georg Friedrich Haas (Komponist), Malte Müller (WAF GmbH), Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüneburg (Professorin Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz), Saerom Park (Ensemble Resonanz), Sebastian Schottke (ZKM | Hertz-Lab), Martina Seeber (Musicologist & Journalist), Ruth Warnke (Ensemble Resonanz), Prof. Peter Weibel (ZKM), Bas Wiegers (Dirigent »einklang freier wesen«), Tim-Erik Winzer (Ensemble Resonanz)

In cooperation with: Ensemble Resonanz, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Klangforum Wien, Talea Ensemble New York

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 113209
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(All times in CEST.)

5–5.45 pm                                                      

»einklang freier wesen« Digital sound installation and international cooperation out of the lockdown

Ensemble Resonanz and ZKM | Hertz-Lab talk about the genesis of the project and the app since the idea during the first lockdown and about the musical as well as technical collaboration and implementation from afar.


Ruth Warnke (Head of Communication, Ensemble Resonanz), Saerom Park (Violoncello, Ensemble Resonanz), Sebastian Schottke (Sound Engineer, ZKM | Hertz-Lab), Tim-Erik Winzer (Project Idea, Viola & Ensemble Board Dramaturg, Ensemble Resonanz), Malte Müller (Graphic Designer & Code Writer of WAF GMBH), Bas Wiegers (Conductor of »einklang freier wesen«)

5.50–6.10 pm                                

Prof. Georg Friedrich Haas on »Einklang freier Wesen« / »… aus freier Lust … verbunden …«

6.15–6.35 pm                               

»From a Society of Proximity to a Tele-Society«

Peter Weibel (ZKM | Karlsruhe)

6.45–8.15 pm                               

… aus freier Lust … verbunden …? Opportunities and challenges of digital music experience

In this round table, moderated by Martina Seeber, the possibilities of digital music experience and its impact on society will be discussed. The discussion will focus on the extent to which the tele-society is a utopia worth striving for. Which reception possibilities of music are created by new technologies and to what extent do these potentials destroy or expand the original analog version of music.  

Furthermore, the question of whether the digital space offers an opportunity for the diversification of audiences, artists and aesthetic positions will be explored. Can social visions be realized more easily within a technological renewal?


Moderation: Martina Seeber (Musicologist & Journalist), Gina Emerson (Musicologist & Member of GRiNM), Prof. Sandeep Bhagwati (Composer, Head of the Ensembles Extrakte & Sangeet Prayog, Head of matralab at Concordia University Montréal), Prof. Ludger Brümmer (Composer, Head of ZKM | Hertz-Lab), Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüneburg (Violinist, Professor for »Artistic Research« at Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz), Theresa Beyer (Music Journalist & Curator)

8.15–8.35 pm                               

ZKM_Sound Dome: Speaker Performance of »einklang freier wesen«

A Cooperation Project of:

ZKM | Hertz-Lab, Ensemble Resonanz, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Talea Ensemble New York, Klangforum Wien, Bas Wiegers


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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 113210
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Supported by the Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne and the Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe with Ensemble Resonanz
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

