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FEMINALE DER MUSIK – Female Composers

ZKM honors female composers with a four-week digital festival

Mon, April 06 – Fri, May 01, 2020

© Mélanie Bonis/ Éliane Radigue © ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Whether Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Strauss or Alexander Scriabin, the male composers are among the great names of music history. But what about female composers, like Isabella Leonarda or Rebecca Saunders? The »Feminale« is dedicated to the lack of female creative musicians in historiography.

In the digital space, ZKM can make a contribution to the recognition of musical achievements of outstanding female composers, who are unfortunately still underrepresented in the real space of concert halls. From April 6 to May 1, 2020, the ZKM will present, every day from Monday to Friday, selected pieces from the 17th century to the present day: half a millennium of compositions by women.

At every time and in every composer's biography, there have been obstacles, such as social constraints, envy and narrow-mindedness of male colleagues, or even professional bans that these remarkable women musicians have had to overcome in order to work and publish creatively. Some of them were very famous during their lifetime, but were forgotten after their death. Even today, in the superficially open and democratic information age, women composers find it considerably more difficult to learn, practice and teach in conservative structures than their male counterparts.

One or two female composers will be presented daily during the festival. The program ranges from early representatives such as Francesca Caccini (1587–1640), Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677), Wilhelmine von Bayreuth (1709–1748), Lili Boulanger (1893–1918) and Mel Bonis (1858–1937) or the Karlsruhe composers Clara Faisst (1872–1948) and Margarete Schweikert (1887–1957) to contemporary composers like Olga Neuwirth, Rebecca Saunders and Adriana Hölszky.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_faq / GPC_ID: 109668
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Weekly Program: Feminale of Music

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 109670

    Mo, 27.04.– Fri, 1.05.2020

    Mon, 27.04.2020     

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm: Live interview with the composer Rebecca Saunders
    Registration for interaction via zoom
    The interview can also be followed in the livestream without previous registration.


    Afterwards in the livestream: Living room concert – Séverine Ballon (cello) presents »Solitude« by Rebecca Saunders

    Tue, 28.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm: Live interviews with the musicologist Irene Suchy (Ö1) and the composer Tomoko Sauvage

    Wed, 29.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm: Live interview with Dr. Cornelie Kunkat (German Cultural Council) and the composer Octavia Gloggengießer (ProQuoteFilm, Board of Directors of the German Composers' Association-Land Berlin and Board of Directors of the German Film Composers' Union)

    Thu, 30.04.2020


    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    Fri, 01.05.2020

    FINALE – Feminale of Music in the ZKM Livestream


    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    17:00–18:15: Living room concerts presented by Daniel Kaiser and Angelika Lenter, Jeanette La-Deur Ensemble, Malika Reyad Ensemble, Miriam Kurrle and Séverine Ballon


    18:30–19:40: Concerts with works by female students of composition and music informatics at the University of Music Karlsruhe


    20:00–22:00: Live interview with grapefruits, live concert by composer Jiyun Park and live set by DJane Panzerella

    For interaction in Zoom, you can register here. You can also follow the event in the livestream without prior registration.

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 109671

    Mo, 20.04.– Fri, 24.04.2020

    Mon, 20.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8–8.40 pm on the ZKM livestream: Interviews with Liane Curtis (President of the Rebecca Clarke Society, Inc. and the Women's Philharmonic Advocacy) and the Ethel Smyth expert Marleen Hoffmann Registration for interaction in the livestream


    Afterwards on the ZKM livestream: Living room concert with Miriam Kurrle (soprano, piano), University of Music Karlsruhe. Miriam Kurrle presents pieces by Hilde Loewe (1896–1976), who worked under the pseudonym Henry Love.

    Tue, 21.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm: Online Sonic Meditation Workshop according to Pauline Oliveros (Only for registered participants, no previous knowledge required). To the registration

    Wed, 22.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    9 pm Live interview with Julian Fischer from the Archiv Frau und Musik (Frankfurt/Main) about Felicitas Kukuck

    Thu, 23.04.2020


    6 pm Presentation of the women composers

    Exodus live premiered at the ZKM on 16.04.2016 (commissioned by the ZKM)

    Fri, 24.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm: Special Performance with Jagoda Szmytka 

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 109672

    Mo, 13.04.– Fri, 17.04.2020

    Mon, 13.04.2020                      

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    Tue, 14.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    Wed, 15.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm Live interview about the composer Fanny Hensel with Susanne Wosnitzka, boardmember of musica femina münchen and freelancer of Archiv Frau und Musik, Frankfurt/Main

    Thu, 16.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    • Dora Pejačević (1885–1923)

    • Florence Price (1887–1953)

    8 pm Live interview about the composers Dora Pejačević and Florence Price with Mary Ellen Kitchens, director of the Archiv Frau und Musik, Frankfurt/Main


    Fri, 17.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    • Margarete Schweikert (1887–1957)

    • Clara Faisst (1872–1948)

    • Clara Schumann (1819–1896)

    Release of an audio feature by Clara Müller-Wirth about Clara Schumann in Karlsruhe.

    Sontraud Speidel, pianist and professor at the University of Music Karlsruhe, talks about the Karlsruhe composers Margarete Schweikert and Clara Faisst.


    Living room concert: Malika Reyad (mezzo-soprano) and Eugenia Eichhorn (piano) present pieces by Clara Faisst and Pauline Viardot-Garcia, with a reading from the publication »Frauenperspektiven in Karlsruhe« by Christiane Möschle (Panima Verlag).


    Living room concert: Jeannette La-Deur (piano) is artistic director of the project at GEDOK Karlsruhe about Margarete Schweikert since 2012 and editor of the music edition. Together with Elena La-Deur (flute) and Andreas Reibenspies (baritone) she has rehearsed pieces by the composer.

  4. Import ID
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    D7 Paragraph: r17_faq_item / GPC_ID: 109673

    Mo, 06.04.– Fri, 10.04.2020

    Mon, 13.04.2020

    6 pm Film Screening »Female Composers«

    8 pm live discussion via zoom with Peter Weibel, Tim van Beveren & Kyra Steckeweh

    Tue, 07.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    Wed, 08.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm Interview about Élisabeth Jacquet De La Guerre live with Jelena Rothermel (Musicologist)

    Thu, 09.04.2020


    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    Fri, 10.04.2020

    6 pm Presentation of the women composers:

    8 pm Living Room Concert: Daniel Kaiser (piano) and Angelika Lenter (soprano) present pieces by composers Bettina von Arnim and Louise Reichardt

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Peter Weibel on »Feminale of Music«

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D7 Paragraph: r17_video / GPC_ID: 109675

Feminale: Grußwort Peter Weibel


Initiated by Peter Weibel
Curated and organized by Lisa Bensel and Dominique Theise

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

