
Sultana Zana »The Only Time Is Now! Where Are You?«

(2020 – 22), for live electronics, 30’ – 40’

Duration in Seconds
Duration (H:m:s)


As human beings, we cannot be sure if others see the world in the same way as we do. This piece creates a mythical space that is atmospheric, and through the course of the performance, it fills up with the imagery of our own mind, where behind closed eyes, the shape of our memories reveal themselves. This is a private experience.

In this piece, I take the audience on a journey that is metaphysical, that starts at the surface of perception. But when we move in space, time and sound, when layers emerge, then contact with all that lies below the threshold of consciousness is possible. 

I also bring my observations of how other beings perceive the same world of sounds differently, into this piece. Two years ago, I was looking at the sonic space or ‘sonic land’ of mycelium and insects. These two years, however, had a great psychological impact on all of us, as the world around us completely changed its shape due to the pandemic.

When this happened, I could not dig into the ground. So I started digging into my own psychic world and that's how this piece came about.

Author: Sultana Zana



ZKM | Hertz-Lab:
Yannick Hofmann – Project manager ZKM bangaloREsidency – Expanded,
Dominik Kautz – Production manager & program, Ben Miller – Sound director,
Hans Gass – Light & Event technician,
Götz Dipper – Guest artist coordinator,
Jakob Schreiber – Technical support

ZKM | Videostudio:
Camera: Xenia Leidig & Andy Koch
Editing: Lisa Michel


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
