Christof Hierholzer

AI-generated purple-green network pattern
Audio File
Credit Label
I'm always struck by the fact that there are works of art that should actually also be discovered in the near future, that would like to be discovered in order to be placed into a context today. With modern, with contemporary problems, perhaps also with contemporary social issues. Because many works of art from the 80s and 90s address problems or questions that are relevant again today.


My name is Christof Hierholzer. I'm an employee at the ZKM, since 1999. I'm in the museum technology team and I came to the ZKM already in 1997. The ZKM collection is my hobbyhorse. I work a lot with the objects, as I also take care of them in our warehouse. They have to be stored, they have to be transported.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
