BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Matko Meštrović

Year of birth, place



Matko Meštrović studied art history and culture at the University of Zagreb (grad. 1958, Ph.D. 1978). 1956–1964 worked as art critic for Radio Zagreb. 1959–1966 founding member of Gorgona. 1960s worked for the Centar za industrijsko oblikovanje, Zagreb, and for the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID). 1964–1968 head of information department at the Centar za industrijsko oblikovanje, Zagreb. 1969 editor of »bit international 4«. 1969/1970 lived in the United States, participation in an interdisciplinary research program. 1970–1987 consultant to the general manager of Radio-televizija Zagreb. 1987–1992 director of the Institute for the Culture of Croatia. He lives in Zagreb, HR.
Lit.: M. M., “Civilizacija slike ili slika civilizacije,” in: »Život umjetnosti«, 2, 1966. M. M., “Nova tehnologija i javnost,” in: »Naše teme«, 5, 1971. M. M., “Elektronsko doba na plićini,” in: »Naše teme«, 2/3, 1972.



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