BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Brigitta Zics


Brigitta Zics  is an artist who creates works with a visual and material sensitivity that seeks to fashion new experiences. She works on the convergence of art and science and explores mixed-media forms combining various techniques and emerging technologies.

She graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Art and subsequently from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne in 2004. She has received scholarships from DAAD, Eötvös State Grant and Ludwig Award, her work was nominated for the International Media Art Award at ZKM (2004) and she was selected for one of Europe Best Multimedia Artists at Europrix (2005).

She carried out her PhD research in art at the University of Wales.

As of 2018 she has been a Visiting Professor at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, and from 2019 Associate Professor at the Knowledge Lab, University College, London. Her work has been exhibited at Gwangju (Korea), Maribor (Slovenia), Vitória (Brazil), Shanghai (China), Los Angeles (USA), London (UK), Budapest (Hungary) and she published texts in Leonardo (MIT press). Her book,The Transparent Act (2018), provides an interdisciplinary analysis of interactivity in art. Artist web site:


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

