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W. J. T. Mitchell


W. J. T. Mitchell is Professor of English and Art History at the University of Chicago. Editor of »Critical Inquiry« since 1978. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, and the American Philosophical Society. 1993 Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at the California Institute of Technology. »Critical Inquiry« has thrice been recognized for the "Outstanding Special Issue of a Scholarly Journal" by the Conference of Editors of Learned Journals. His most recent work, »The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon« (1998) was selected as one of the top 100 books of 1999 by the Toronto Globe & Mail.

Selected Publications:
»Blake's Composite Art« (Princeton, 1977), »Iconology« (Chicago, 1986), »Picture Theory« (Chicago, 1994), and »The Last Dinosaur Book« (Chicago, 1998). He has edited six collections of essays, all published by University of Chicago Press: »The Language of Images« (1980), »On Narrative« (1981), »The Politics of Interpretation« (1983), »Against Theory« (1985), »Art and the Public Sphere« (1993), and »Landscape and Power« (1994). During his editorship, »Critical Inquiry« has published issues on canon-formation, gender, race and writing, public art, politics and poetic value, metaphor, psychoanalysis, identity politics, pluralism, new directions in art history, questions of evidence, and many other special topics. He is currently working on a two volume project entitled: »What Do Pictures Want?« Volume one will be entitled »The Lives of Images«; volume two will be Addressing Media.



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