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Ninel Çam


Ninel Çam is a German choreographer and performance artist. Çam graduated from Ankara Science High School, studied architecture in Istanbul/ Turkey, Stuttgart/ Germany and Nancy/ France.
In 2004 she graduated her studies in Architecture with an excellent grade. Parallel to her 'official curriculum' in science and architecture she learned and worked with different dance techniques, mainly improvisation, founded own dance performance groups and was involved in several choreographic and performance projects in Turkey, Germany and France. Nowadays, she is based in Barcelona and is working as a doctorate candidate in Art Research at the ELO Film School - Aalto University in Helsinki. Her interest in dance is driven by the possibility to access the wisdom and evaluated qualities of the body through the movement. Dancing Dialectics© is the theory which she found out during her doctoral studies, for which she acted as a 'midwife-choreographer' so that non-professional dancers create and stage their very own-tailored dances.



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

