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Olivier Mannoni


Olivier Mannoni is a journalist, author and translator. He studied literature and philosophy in Paris, and has been working as a journalist for various French newspapers and magazines since 1978. In his work as an author, he has published books about a variety of German-language writers such as Günter Grass, Manès Sperber, and Sigmund Freud.

In his work as a translator, he has translated some 200 books by German-language authors such as Martin Suter, Zsuzsa Bánk, H.G. Adler, Uwe Tellkamp, Stefan Zweig, and Frank Witzel, as well as many writings and letters of Sigmund Freud, and a number of books about the Third Reich (Peter Reichel, Ernst Klee, Harald Welzer, Joachim Fest, Volker Ullrich, Bettina Stangneth). He has been translating the work of Peter Sloterdijk into French for twenty years.

From 2007–2012, he was the president of the Association des traducteurs littéraires de France (ATLF), and today he heads the École de Traduction Littéraire, which was initiated in 2012 by the Centre national du livre. 



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