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Alexandre Monnin


Alexandre Monnin is Scientific Director of Origens Media Lab, Professor in a management school (ESC Clermont BS), co-initiator with Diego Landivar of Closing Worlds and Director of the Master of Science »Strategy and Design for the Anthropocene« in partnership with Strate School of Design in Lyon (the world's first training course on the Anthropocene with an operational focus). He received his PhD in Philosophy from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and dedicated his thesis to the philosophy of the Web, which he pioneered with Harry Halpin. He is the architect of ReSource, a digital platform for documentation used in artistic and educational contexts. Recently he co-edited various special issues: of »Multitudes« (»Est-il trop tard pour l'effondrement?«), »Sciences du Design« (»Anthropocène et effondrement«), »SociologieS« (on radical meliorism with Antoine Hennion) and »Passerelle« (on digital technologies and low tech). He also co-wrote a report published by the Shift Project, »Towards Digital Sobriety« (2018, 2019 for the English translation).


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