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Open doors for the mouse

Open doors on the occasion of »Die Sendung mit der Maus«

Fri, October 03, 2014


In the company of ZKM colleagues, young Mouse fans are invited to take a journey of exploration through the ZKM on a discovery of the world of art.

Is a computer game a work of art? Can one explain art to a hare? What does a Gameboy have in common with a musical instrument? And how is a cartoon produced?

During the Door Opener Day at the ZKM, children can experience this and much more, they immerse themselves in virtual worlds and solve quite a few tricky tasks.

Per program point there is a maximum number of 10 children. Registration is required under or by telephone: +49 (0) 721/8100-1990.

Program at the ZKM

10 am–11 am
Computer games in the museum
Guided tour for children between 6–10 years through the exhibition »ZKM_Gameplay«

10:30 am–12:30 pm
Pix und Trix – eigener Trickfilm [Pix and Trix – own animated film]
Workshop for children from 6 and more years

11 am–12:30 pm
Motion Picture 2.0: Video all-round – Virtuelle Welten am ZKM | Institut für Bildmedien
​[Motion Picture 2.0: Video all-round – virtual worlds at the ZKM | Institute for Visual Media]

Glance behind the scenes for children/teens from 12 and more years

11:30 am–12:30 pm
Erklär der Maus die Kunst [Explain art to the mouse]
Guided tour for children from 8 years through the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art

1 pm–3 pm
8-bit music – mit dem Gameboy Musik machen [making music with the gameboy]
Workshop for children from 8 years

2 pm–3 pm
Unerhört – eine Reise in die Welt des Klangs am ZKM | Institut für Musik und Akustik
[Unheard - a journey into the world of sound at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics]

Glance behind the scenes for children from 8 years

3 pm–4:30 pm
Das Computerspiel im Museum und Du [The video game in the museum and you]
Action guided tour for children from 8 years through the exhibition »ZKM_Gameplay«

Organizing Organization / Institution

Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

