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Let´s talk about Games!

Thu, October 01, 2015 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm CEST

© Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes
Lecture Hall
The aim of the interactive conference is to make the diversity, scope and potential of games directly available.

Games are developing into main medium and game mechanisms are penetrating all areas of society, be it the economy, politics, urban space and education. From interactive traffic lights to computer games in the theatre and the »gamification« of companies, in recruiting, in development and in project management. More and more applications and processes are being designed using game elements and the experience of game designers. Generation Y is not being followed by Generation Z – instead, “Generation Game” is emerging. To get a feeling for this generation, the conference is focusing on the great diversity – which goes beyond digital games and gamification.


We are inviting game designers, academics, protagonists and creative minds, who will present their projects and work practically in brief sessions: These include:
  • Christian Huberts (journalist / media scientist)
  • Georg Hobmeier (Causa Creations)
  • Andreas Hedrich (Initiative Creative Gaming e. V.)
  • Greta Luise Hoffmann (Game Lab)
  • Christoph Brosius (Die Hobrechts GmbH)
  • Dr. Stephan Schwingeler (ZKM)
  • Representatives from BIU, GAME and ZKM will provide you with diverse and application-oriented impressions of how games can be used in the economy, education and politics.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

