Peter Weibel

Principle of Resistance from the series: Principles of Poetry

Peter Weibel
Principle of Resistance from the series: Principles of Poetry
Medium / Material / Technic
Olivetti Lettera 25, drawing pins
Size / Duration
13×36×36 cm

Already during the early years of his creative work, Peter Weibel focused on writing as a production medium, storage medium, and distribution medium of codes and information. In doing so, he expands the language art of avantgarde literature to include aspects of mediality and materiality. He not only interrogates the rules and mechanisms of chains of letters, he also extends the exploration of language to its materials, tools, and media. Therefore, the motif of the typewriter appears again and again in the artist’s œuvre, an apparatus that, thanks to its keyboard, supports and simplifies text production. But he does not write a poem about the political resistance and the pain that the poets experience as a result, but presses the experience of resistance and pain from the pure realm of signs (letters) onto the materiality of the keyboard, to which drawing pins are attached. The resistance is not offered symbolically with signs and text and merely represented, but those who write with the typewriter bleed real blood.