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Design - Head - Color

PORe workshop: Imagined Monuments

Fri, April 21, 2023 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm CEST

Atrium 1+2, 2nd floor

Giving consent for research:
To participate to the workshop you will be asked to give your consent filling a Consent Form at the exhibition. You can familiarize yourself with the Privacy Notice also beforehand at

For any questions, please contact:

Monuments, whether for celebration or mourning, are typically public, sculptural objects in the physical world that serve to demarcate spaces for rituals and remembrance. What happens as our lives have partially shifted to being in online spaces? In this workshop we would like to have a conversation to encourage reflection on memory, re-mediation and ritual in the virtual dimension.

We kindly welcome you to ZKM Karlsruhe on 21 April 2023 to explore the exhibition Matter, Non-matter, Anti-Matter. Past Exhibitions as Digital Experiences and participate to the PORe Workshop: Imagined Monuments.

Your experience with the exhibition will serve as an inspiration for making your own unique piece in a hands-on collaborative workshop. You will have the chance to create an »imagined monument«, piecing it together from images of the exhibits from two historical exhibitions: »Les Immatériaux« (1985) and »Iconoclash« (2002) as well as the newly commissioned artworks. Once completed, the »imagined monument«, a reflection of your thoughts and feelings inspired by the exhibition, will be transferred onto a cloth item for you to take home as a souvenir of your visit. 

The workshop is part of the Performance-Oriented Research framework developed at Aalto University, Department of Art and Media in the context of the international collaborative Creative Europe project Beyond Matter – Cultural Heritage on the Verge of Virtual Reality.

Import ID
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 135724
Detail Layout
flex-row-9-3 reverse

The working tools, instructions and guidance will be provided. The language of the workshop and instruction is English with German translators providing help to the participants if needed.

Please bring you own T-shirt, bag, pillowcase, kitchen towel, or any other cloth item you wish your »imagined monument« to get applied to. For the best results the cloth should be smooth and light-coloured or preferably white and should tolerate ironing (cotton).


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

