BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Future Theatre 2

The next Generation

Sun, November 30, 2003 4:00 pm CET

Media Theater

[Important change of program : Please note that the event had to be cancelled due to organisational reasons.]

The Scenography Department of the Karlsruhe College of Design and the ZKM⎥Karlsruhe are staging a panel discussion on visions of contemporary theatre and its potential development. Over the past 10 years exhibition concepts and their curators have attracted increasing public attention in the art scene. Artists are becoming part of an integrated overall concept. In parallel with this development, the dramaturgical department is regarded in the theatre as the main think-tank and concept workshop for both production content and the external presentation of the theatre. Since the late 1980s, Frank Baumbauer, currently Artistic Director at the Münchener Kammerspiele, has set trends in his work on the overall impact of theatre both content-wise and in artistic terms. Before joining the Münchener Kammerspiele he was in charge of the most successful theatre of the 1990s, the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg. He also discovered and patronised Frank Castorf, Artistic Director of the Volksbühne in Berlin. Prior to 1993 Frank Baumbauer was Artistic Director of the Basler Theater, where he brought together in his dramaturgical department five people, who 10 years later are all theatre directors themselves and whose plans and ideas point the way to the future in the theatre. They are

Stefanie Carp, Chief Literary Adviser and Co-Director of the Zürcher Schauspielhaus

Barbara Mundel, Artistic Director of the Luzerner Theater

Matthias Lilienthal, Artistic Director of the Hebbel Theater Berlin

Albrecht Puhlmann, Artistic Director of the Staatsoper Hannover

Wilfried Schulz, Artistic Director of the Staatsschauspiel Hannover 

A meeting between these five theatre directors and their mentor, Frank Baumbauer, on the stage of the ZKM Media Theatre chaired by Franz Wille, a journalist with Theater Heute, will provide an insight into their current work, approaches and visions. 

Introducing and accompanying the event will be Prof. Michael Simon of the Karlsruhe College of Design and Dr. Birgit Wiens of the Theatre Studies Institute at the University of Munich.


Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

