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50 Years of the Karl Sczuka Prize

Concerts and Panel Discussion

Fri, November 25 – Sun, November 27, 2005

The Karl Sczuka Prize donated by what was then Südwestfunk Baden-Baden was first awarded exactly 50 years ago. The prize is named after the SWF’s resident composer of the initial post-war years and, in line with its statutes, honours the “best production of a work for listening that uses musical materials and structures in acoustics forms of playing”. Originally presented every two years, it has been awarded annually since 1967. SWR and the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics are taking the occasion of the jubilee to relate the works of this year’s prize winners, Hanna Hartman and Antje Vowinckel – combined with discussions and performance of works – to the history of the award. Throughout the weekend visitors can listen to the award-winning works of the past 50 years at four listening stations prepared by SWR and the ZKM and installed on the Music Balcony. The entire Sczuka Prize archive can be played with the help of the ZKM| Media Resources Library.


Hans-Burkhard Schlichting and Achim Heidenreich by arrangement with the jury

Fri, November 25, 2005

8:00 pm
ZKM Cube, admission €5/3
Gerhard Rühm: Wintermärchen (WDR 1976) Friederike Mayröcker: Das Couvert der Vögel (WDR 2000)

Sat, November 26, 2005

6:00 pm, ZKM Cube, admission free
“The Artwork of the Future”: Discussion of present acoustic forms of playing with Ludger Brümmer (composer, ZKM), Achim Heidenreich (presenter, ZKM), Mauricio Kagel, Hans-Burkhard Schlichting and others

8:00 pm, ZKM Cube, admission €5/3
Mauricio Kagel: (radio play). Ein Aufnahmezustand (WDR 1969), with an introduction by the composer John Cage: Roaratorio (SWF 1971)

Sun, November 27, 2005

11:00 am
ZKM Cube, admission €5/3
Hanna Hartmann, winner of the Karl Sczuka Prize 2005: Att fälla grova träd är förknippat med risker [Felling Tall Trees is Risky] (EMS, Stockholm 2004) Antje Vowinckel, winner of the Karl Sczuka Award 2005: Call me yesterday (production by the author in 2005, funded by the North Rhine-Westphalia Film Foundation)

5:00 pm
ZKM Cube, admission €5/3
Heiner Goebbels: Wolokolamsker Chaussee I–V (SWF/BR/HR 1989) The artists will be present if at all possible.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

