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Piano Possibile

Thu, July 08, 2010 8:00 pm CEST

Power and energy are the distinctive hallmarks of the Munich-based ensemble, piano possibile and its concert program which it will be presenting at the ZKM. All projects by piano possibile are geared towards examining a selection of contemporary music. The various languages of sound and form, the generation of electronic sounds and computer music, but no less instrumental techniques and alienation merge to produce a unique sound oriented on the quality of the music and intentional avoidance of the mainstream: while Bernhard Lang focuses on the energy originating in the friction generated in difference and repetition (inspired by the thought of Gilles Deleuze), the point of departure for Klaus Schedl’s work is the pure delight taken in the rapid succession of colliding, cracking-like sound processes. The affinity to approaches characteristic of rock groups, to high standards of sound perfection and instrumental mastery join in a crisply rendered combination guaranteed to blow the dust out of the ears and to ensure novel sound experiences. The piano possibile ensemble’s powerful performance as part of the Amazonas Project at the Munich Biennale in May 2010, the first part of which was composed by Klaus Schedl, received high praise by the national press: all bodes well, indeed, for a very promising concert event at the ZKM.


piano possibile ″Prolog″, 2010 (premiere)
Emanuele Casale ″Composizione pere voce sola″, 1997
Michael Gordon ″I buried Paul″, 1996
Gilles Gobeil ″Associations libres, Version 1″, 1990 (taped recording)
Bernhard Lang ″DW 6c″, 2006
Philipp Kolb ″FileFile″, 2010
Klaus Schedl ″Les Fleurs Du Mal″, 2008
Bernhard Lang ″DW 16, Ophelia″, 2004
Gilles Gobeil ″Associations libres, Verion 2″, 2010 (instrumental)
piano possibile ″Epilog″ , 2010 (premiere)


Heinz Friedl clarinet / Philipp Kolb trumpet, electronics/
Mathis Mayr cello, electronics/ Johannes Öllinger electric guitar /
Tobi Weber contrabass, electric bass guitar / Stefan Blum
percussion/ Julia Schölzel piano, synthesizer / Mafalda de Lemos
vocals/ Klaus Schedl voice

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

