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ARTE Film Night

Intermediate Societies?

Sat, February 23, 2013 8:00 pm CET

The “Intermediate Society” is both steeped in tradition but has at the same time arrived in modernity. Enduring values, local everyday routines and internationally recognized norms are put to the test. The resulting tensions raise the question as to precisely what it is that binds our society(s) together. The ARTE Film Night is dedicated to a number of aspects of this “Intermediate Society”:

EMANCIPATED? “Afghan Woman at the Wheel” competes with the men on the streets of Kabul. The driving license as one stage along the path to emancipation: the documentary accompanies four women along this stage.

REVOLUTIONARY? In the middle of Europe: Concerts, dance and good mood Websites promote a youth movement which strictly propagates an understanding of the bible. An iron-clad military discipline is concealed beneath the easy-going facade: “Missionaries in Step − the Jesus Revolution Army”.

TRADITIONAL? Women in Koniaków crochet colorfully patterned thongs: “Sinful Stitches Made in Poland”. Lingerie secures survival in this remote Polish mountain region – and pitch the village into an intense dispute about the alienation of arts and crafts.

MODERN? Is it possible to be modern, a music enthusiast and a good Muslim at the same time? The music station »4Shbab« says yes. “Pop Islam” casts a glance at the societies of the Arabic world torn between modern and traditional ideas.

STRESSED OUT? “Speed – In Search of Lost Time” asks where all time has gone, which we have laboriously saved with new technologies and efficiency models. It is a film about acceleration and its alternatives.


8 p.m.
“Afghan Woman at the Wheel”
Documentation by Sahraa Karimi, Slovak Republic 2009

9.10 p.m.
Missionaries in Step − the Jesus Revolution Army
Documentation by Britta Mischer anf Haike Stuckmann, ARTE/WDR 2006

9.50 p.m.
Sinful Stitches Made in Poland
Documentation by Dorothe Dörholt, ARTE/ZDF 2006

10.30 p.m.
Pop Islam
Documentation by Ismail Elmokadem, ARTE/ZDF 2010

11.30 p.m.
Midnight Snacks

Speed − In Search of Lost Time
Documentary by Florian Opitz, ARTE/WDR 2012

Organizing Organization / Institution

arte ; ZAK | Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

