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Gilles Gobeil: Trilogie d'ondes

Thu, October 31, 2013 8:00 pm CET

© Image: Isabelle Gardner

Canadian composer Gilles Gobeil, currently on his Ondes Martenot Tour 2013, will also be making a stop at the ZKM | Karlsruhe: In addition to acousmatic pieces he will also be presenting works for Ondes Martenot.

The Ondes Martenot (French for Martenot waves) is a musical instrument developed by Maurice Martenot in 1928 following a meeting with inventor of the Theremin, Lew Sergejewitsch Termen. Both instruments are based on the beat buzzer

Gilles Gobeil
Following studies in music theory, Gilles Gobeil acquired his M.A. in composition at the Université de Montréal. Gobeil is professor for music theory at the Cégep de Drummondville and was guest professor for electro-acoustics at the Université de Montréal and at the Conservatoire de Montréal. Since 1985 he has focused his attention primarily on the creation of acousmatic and mixed works. Many of his compositions draw on the so-called cinéma pour l’oreille (cinema for the ears), while others are inspired by literary works visualized through the medium of sound. He has been awarded numerous prizes and was guest composer at the Banff Centre in Bourges, the Hochschule Franz Liszt Weimar, at INA/GRM, Paris, at the ZKM and, in 2008, at the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin-Program. He is member of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community, associate composer of the Canadian Music Centre and co-founder of the Réseaux, an association dedicated to the production of media art events.

Suzanne Binet-Audet
The soloist and member of the Ondes Martenont Ensembles Sextour Loriod Paris – as well as the Ensembles d’ondes de Montréal since its founding in 1976 – studied organ at the Conservatoire de Montréal and took advanced courses with Jean Langlais in Paris. She also studied the Ondes Martenot concurrently with its inventor Maurice Martenot at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris and completed her studies with the distinction Le Premier Prix. She gained her Licence de concert at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris under Jeanne Loriod. Furthermore, she has played with various orchestras and ensembles at international festivals such as EMS, World Music Days, Holland Festival and the Toronto Electronic Music Festival. Binet-Audet was the soloist for the recording of Gilles Gobeil’s DVD Trilogie d’ondes, which won the Prix Opus (Disc of the Year) in 2005. She made an appearance in 2012 in the documentary film Le chant des ondes − Sur la piste de Maurice Martenot (Engl.: Wavemakers), and arranged music for the soundtrack.


  • Bol-Hydre (2011) 10:00
  • Castalie (2008) 10:34
  • Les lointains noirs et rouges (2009) 10:43
  • Des temps oubliés (2012) 12:33


  • Voix Blanche (1989), 13:02
  • Ondes Martenot and Fixed Sounds
  • Là où vont les nuages… (1991) 11:20
  • Ondes Martenot, Real-Time Processing and Fixed Sounds
  • La Perle et l’Oubli (2002) 21:17
  • Ondes Martenot and Fixed Sounds

Composition, sound director: Gilles Gobeil
Ondes Martenot: Suzanne Binet-Audet

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

