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The Speaker

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Rayk Anders

is a freelance journalist and runs the »ARMES DEUTSCHLAND – Rayk Anders« [Poor Germany] online project, with which he uses social networks to inspire young people, in particular, about political and social themes. GQ Germany refers to it as »the best political magazine on YouTube«, the u-institut and Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs presented Anders with an award in 2014 as one of the outstanding creative entrepreneurs in Germany. In 2015, he was on the »Person of the Year« shortlist for the Deutscher Webvideopreis award.​


Marcus Bösch

is the managing director of the »The Good Evil« game studio and publishes, teaches and consults on the topics of digital journalism, museum and science games and newsgames. He studied political science and game design and worked as a trainee at the Deutsche Welle broadcasting service. Newsgames, a term which Marcus Bösch has established in Germany, is a link between games and journalistic content, which makes it possible to explain topics in an entertaining way, among other things. »The Good Evil Game Studio« hosted Europe’s first Newsgames Hackathon in 2014 and also designed newsgames for TV broadcasters.


Armin Eichhorn

is an entrepreneur and co-founder of »« – a storytelling platform, which deals with web-native storytelling formats and their monetarisation. He is inspired by news reportages and wants to contribute to their continuation in the 21st century. Eichhorn believes that news reportages are being increasingly robbed of their financial basis due to the outdated business model of classic media companies. The internet opens up many opportunities to cater to the requirements and preferences of the reader. Multi-media storytelling as a further development of classic print journalism makes it possible to prepare stories that focus on the subject in a multi-faceted and atmospheric manner.


Richard Gutjahr

Richard Gutjahr is a freelance employee for the public service broadcaster ARD, presenting news and magazine programmes for the Bayerischer Rundfunk radio station and the public-broadcasting institution WDR among others. He studied politics and communication science, graduated from the Deutsche Journalistenschule school of journalism and worked at the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and for CNN. He has received multiple awards for his work – including from Zeit Online as »Web Journalist of the Year«. As well as his journalistic work, Gutjahr advises a start-up on the development of new payment models for journalism.


Nicolas Kayser-Bril

Nicolas Kayser-Bril is a programmer, journalist and founder of the »Journalism++«& agency. He was previously the head of the data journalism team at OWNI. Journalism++ is an agency for data-based communication, which designs and develops interactive tools and apps for browsers, smartphones and tablets. The agency also coordinates data-based research, such as »The Migrant Files«, which was awarded the »Datajournalism Award« and »European Press Prize«.


David Ohrndorf

David Ohrndorf is a journalist and developed the multimedia storytelling tool »Pageflow« together with Stefan Domke. He studied business admin, was an intern at WDR, a broadcasting company, and worked for various classic media genres. »Pageflow«, awarded the Grimme Online Award 2014, is a reusable tool for creating online reports. This form of digital storytelling, which can be used by everyone, makes it possible to merge images and videos with text elements.

Christian Salewski

is a freelance journalist and co-founder of »Follow the Money« (FtM). He studied political science, graduated from the Deutsche Journalistenschule school of journalism, was a guest reporter on »ProPublica« in the USA and “went down with the Financial Times Deutschland” (Christian Salewski). FtM is an independent collective of journalists, who make research an experience and the public into accomplices of their work. Starting with simple questions, the journey to the story becomes the actual story: The research starts on the web and conveys the highs and lows of the »hunt« for answers, almost in real-time.


David Schraven

manages the »CORRECT!V« research centre as a publisher and content manager. Previously, he worked as a freelancer for tax and the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper in the economy department and North-Rhine Westphalia department. Following this, he was head of the »Research« department on the Content Desk of the Funke-Mediengruppe, a major newspaper and magazine publisher based in Essen, until 2014. David Schraven has received multiple awards, including the Grimme-Online-Award, for his research on, for example, the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

Andrin Schumann

is a freelance author and assistant to Michael Ballhaus, one of the most important cinematographer of German and international film. She studied cultural journalism and worked for various rbb television productions as an assistant director. The prize-winning cross-media radio talk format »CrowdStory«, co-developed with Schumann, is a connection between audio talk, crowdsourcing and modern communication channels. It offers its users and listeners the option of telling personal anecdotes to a wide public using WhatsApp voice messages, allowing them to actively shape the program.


Dirk von Gehlen

is an author, journalist and head of the Social Media/Innovation department of the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, where he developed the longreads magazine Süddeutsche Zeitung Langstrecke. He studied communication science, politics and modern German literature. Von Gehlen has been accompanying the media change for years on his blog and on Twitter and is one of the crowdfunding pioneers in Germany. He has received multiple awards for his work, including the Axel-Springer Preis. In 2011, Suhrkamp published his book »Mashup – Lob der Kopie« [Mash-up: In praise of copying].


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