Peter Weibel

Als Fuji noch ein Berg und keine Firma war. Re: Wind & Fast Forward (des Realen)

Als Fuji noch ein Berg und keine Firma war. Re: Wind & Fast Forward (des Realen)
Medium / Material / Technic
E2 televisions, 1 tap, 1 plant in a half flower pot
Dimensions / Duration
72 × 80 × 46 cm
Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 12431
flex-row-9-3 reverse

In the work »Als Fuji noch ein Berg und keine Firma war. Re: Wind & Fast Forward (des Realen)« [When Fuji Was Still a Mountain and Not a Company. Re: Wind & Fast Forward (Of the Real)] Peter Weibel positions two televisions back to back. From one screen a tap protrudes, and from the other a halved flower pot containing a living plant. If one interprets the tap as the flow of information from the media and the plant as reality, it soon becomes clear that the information conveyed by the media and reality are not reconcilable. Because of their opposite alignments, the water from the tap will never reach the plant. Here Peter Weibel formulates a highly topical form of media criticism, which at its core questions the relationship – or rather the gap – between image and reality. 


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

