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DIVIS 2015 – Program

© Photo: Armin Linke
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Please find attached an overview of the conference agenda of DIVIS 2015. In the morning and afternoon, the event will be split into six thematic panels and one workshop, which will take place in the Media Theater, the Cube, the Lecture Hall or on the Music Balcony. The panels in the Media Theater will be transmitted via live stream. All other panels will be made available as videos after the event.

Agenda overview

09:30–10:00 FoyerWelcome
10:00–11:00 Media Theater


  • Jürgen Walter, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts
  • Frank Mentrup, Mayor of the city of Karlsruhe
  • Peter Weibel, Chairman of the ZKM
Plenary speech
  • Roberto Simanowski (Hongkong): »The silence of digital humanities about digital culture«
11:00–13:00Media TheaterPanel I: Visions of a digital society
CubePanel II: Digital culture in the museum
Lecture HallPanel III: Digital culture of openness
13:00–15:00FoyerLunch and the Opportunity to visit the exhibitions »Infosphere« and »GLOBAL CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP«
15:00–16:00Media TheaterPlenary speeches
  • Gerald Maier (Stuttgart): »Challenges of archiving in the information society«
  • Georg Hohmann (Munich): »Thinking digitally about museums«
16:00–18:00Media TheaterPanel IV: Digital humanities and digital culture
CubePanel V: Databases, big data and libraries
Lecture HallPanel VI: Copyright and rights of use in the digital world
Museum BalconyWorkshop: The development of innovative business models in art and culture through design thinking
18:00–18:30FoyerSnack break
18:30–19:45Media TheaterReports from the panels & Discussion forum
19:45–20:00FoyerFit-in with Patricia Wolf
20:00–20:30Media TheaterPlenary speech
  • Martin Roth (London): »Total accessibility. Being accessible and available without restrictions«
20:30Media TheaterSummary and farewell
  • Jürgen Walter, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts



Details about the panels and workshop


Panel I: Visions of a digital society

11:00–13:00Media Theater
 Presented by: Susanne Kaufmann
11:00–11:40Michael M. Resch (Stuttgart): »Art and computer simulation as visions«
11:40–12:20Tom Fürstner (Vienna): »Digital uniqueness«
12:20–13:00Anna Kinder (Marbach): »Digital visions for the cultural heritage – from the perspective of the DLA«


Panel II: Digital culture in the museum

 Presented by: Michael Hübl
11:00–11:40Tessa Rosebrock (Karlsruhe): »Provenance research in the internet – opportunities and limits«
11:40–12:20Eckart Köhne (Karlsruhe): »Making museum visitors into users – Digital strategies for museums and new concepts at the Badisches Landesmuseum«
12:20–13:00Michael Volkmer (Wiesbaden): »Images of the future«


Panel III: Digital culture of openness

11:00–13:00Lecture Hall
 Presented by: Caroline Robertson-von Trotha
11:00–11:40Christian Gries (Munich): »Underway in #NoMan’sLand. Comments about the culture of openness in German museums«
11:40–12:20Lambert Heller (Hannover): »Open Science – Libraries on the search for an operating system for digital science«
12:20–13:00Olia Lialina (Stuttgart): »Computers of the future should be visible«


Panel IV: Digital humanities and digital culture

16:00–18:00Media Theater
 Presented by: Nikolai Forstbauer
16:00–16:40Gabriel Viehhauser (Stuttgart): »Digital humanities as the new paradigm of the humanities«
16:40–17:20Martin Stricker (Berlin): »Material objects, digital potentials: Scientific collections«
17:20–18:00Maximilian Schich (Dallas): »Digital is not enough: Society needs a science of art and culture«


Panel V: Databases, big data and libraries

 Presented by: Adrienne Braun
16:00–16:40Marcus Burkhardt (Munich): »More is different: Pasts, presents and futures of big data«
16:40–17:20Georg Gottlob (Vienna/Oxford): »Big data from the web: How data is acquired, what is done with it?«
17:20–18:00Rike Balzuweit (Heidelberg): »Transforming tradition – The university library of Heidelberg digital«


Panel VI: Copyright and rights of use in the digital world

16:00–18:00Lecture Hall
 Presented by: Tanja Nitschke
16:00–16:30Paul Klimpel (Berlin): »The end of an illusion. Mass digitalisation and individual declarations of rights«
16:30–17:00Anja Oberländer (Konstanz): »Ways towards more transparency and availability of knowledge in the digital culture«
17:00–17:30Rupert Vogel (Karlsruhe): »Caravaggio for everyone?! – Do museums have a right to decide on the digital use of photographs of their public domain artwork?«
17:30–18:00Carsten Ulbricht (Stuttgart): »Social media & law – Opportunities, risks and new copyright issues with Facebook, YouTube etc.«


Workshop: The development of innovative business models in art and culture through design thinking

16:00–18:00Music Balcony
 Management: Carsten H. Hahn (Karlsruhe)
 The digital transformation of a wide range of sectors creates new potentials for business models. The workshop will develop shared ideas for innovative business models. The Design Thinking approach from the industry will also be used here.
 Registration requested
As participant numbers are limited, please register for the workshop before 16th October by sending an email to:, Subject: Participation in the Design Thinking Workshop, Divis


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

