BS DC Import ID
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The Films of Zbigniew Rybczyński

Sat, May 26, 2012

Media Theater

With Zbigniew Rybczyński (*1949), the film program introduces the most important media pioneer from Poland to have developed within the tradition of the first European avant-garde.
Rybczyński may well be described as constructivist painter and sculptor, draftsman, designer and even engineer of the new image-time-space which he created. His films and video work make spatial and temporal dimensions experienceable, which the familiar media world does not offer.

“Zbigniew Rybczyński not only knows all techniques of artistic image construction, but he draws on all of them. I know of no present-day artist so technically ingenious and so artistically creative as Rybczyński: more to the point, he is so artistically creative because he disposes over inimitable technical virtuosity and bravura.” (Peter Weibel)

The film program relates directly to the exhibition “The State of Image” in which – as shown in the example of two outstanding inventors, filmmakers and media artists Zbigniew Rybczyński and Gábor Bódy – a new evaluation of the artistic and technical innovation in image research spanning the period between the 1960s and 1980s was undertaken.


3 p.m.
Plamuz, 35mm, Poland 1973
The Orchestra, HDTV, 1990
Tango, 35mm, Poland 1980

5 p.m.
Take Five, 35mm, PWSFTviT Łódź, Poland, 1972
Diana D by Chuck Mangione, music video for CBS Records, 1984
Imagine, HDTV, music by John Lennon, 1987
Kafka, HDTV, Telemax/Les Editions Audiovisuelles, 1992, German subtitles
Zupa, 35mm, Se-Ma-For, Poland, 1974

7 p.m.
The Fourth Dimension excerpt, 35mm/ video,1988</li
Oj! Nie mogę się zatrzymać! [Oh! I Can't Stop!], Se-Ma-For, Poland, 1975
Weg zum Nachbarn (für Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen), Se-Ma-For, Poland ,1976
My Window, 35mm, Signal Film, Vienna, Austria, 1979
The Discreet Charm of Diplomacy, video, The NEW SHOW NBC TV, 1984
Swięto (Holiday), 35mm, Se-Ma-For, Poland, 1976
Kwadrat, 35mm, PWSFTviT Łódź, Poland, 1972
Media, 35mm, Se-Ma-For, Poland, 1980
Nowa Książka (New Book), 35mm short, Se-Ma-For, Poland, 1975
Steps, video/35mm, Zbig Vision, KCTA-TV(PBS), Channel Four, 1987, German subtitles

8.30 p.m.
Lecture with Zbigniew Rybczynski
with Siegfried Zielinski and Peter Weibel

Organizing Organization / Institution



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

