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IMA_experiments 2

Sun, October 28, 2012 8:00 pm CET

In the second part, the series “IMA_experiments” presents an acousmatic concert by British composer Robert Hampson. In the mid-1980s guitarist Hampson founded the psychedelic drone rock band “Loop” which, until 1991, speerheaded the English independent scene around such groups as “My Bloody Valentine” and “Spacemen 3”. Following the disbanding of Loop, Hampson spent the brief period that followed with the industrial band “Godflesh”, before going on to found a new musical project bearing the title “Main”, which focused on atmospheric guitar-based music and finally on guitar-sounds deconstructed to the point of unrecognizability. Hampson then began concentrating on digital sound processing, computer music, and finally also on acousmatic music. He was a frequent guest at the INA-GRM studio in Paris, in which, more recently the piece “Répercussions” was produced for the festival Akousma in 2011.

Thus, Robert Hampson has had an untypical development ranging from rock music guitar work to academic electronic composition. His most recent releases are the records “Suspended Cadences” and “Signaux”, as well as the CD/DVD “Répercussions” published by Editions Mego.

Information on the new concert series:

The series entitled IMA_experiments is designed to provide a forum for international musicians of contemporary electronic music. Artists from the non-academic scene who otherwise have little or no access to the major electronic studios or are unaware of the production possibilities such as those at the Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA) are to be presented. With these concerts, the IMA draws on significant external impulses, thus also positioning itself on the map as venue for contemporary electronic music. It thus at the same time makes its activities and possibilities in the circle of artists also better known to a greater public.

In collaboration with the field Media Art/Sound at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

