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Art, Creative Industry and Media Technology in the Digital Age

– as part of the series of talks »Media and Communication«

Tue, April 28, 2015 6:30 pm CEST

Information technology is an important element in present-day art and the creative industry. Works of art and creative products are transferred from the real to the virtual worlds – and an increasing number of exclusively digital art projects are being produced. As part of the event  »Art, Creative Industry and Media Technology in the Digital Age« the range of necessary conditions of production for this digitalization, the ways in which these new creative branches appear and the kinds of opportunities they offer are to be analyzed.
The Fritz-Erler-Forum Baden-Württemberg cordially invites you to the lecture at the ZKM_Foyer on April 28, 2015.

  • Sabrina Isaac-Fütterer, Director of K3 Kulturbüros Karlsruhe
  • Peter Friedrich, Federal Minister, Europe and International Affairs Baden-Württemberg
  • David Hermanns, Managing Director of Cyberforums Karlsruhe
  • Prof. Dr. h.c.mult. Peter Weibel, Chairman and Direktor of the ZKM 

Series of talks »Media and Communication«

The discussion series »Media and Communication« aims to promote the dialog between those working in the field of media, media politicians and media users. According to the Fritz-Erler-Forum, media politics has become a comprehensive task in the new digital public. For this reason, this series of talks addresses the opportunities and challenges of the new media for industry, politics and society. The series will be led by Peter Friedrich, Federal Minister, Europe and International Affairs Baden-Württemberg.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Fritz-Erler-Forum Baden-Württemberg
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

