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Intercultural Work in Culture

State Conference

Wed, September 25, 2019 10:00 am CEST

© Katharina Jourdan

The Forum der Kulturen is organising the 5th state conference on intercultural cultural work at the ZKM Karlsruhe. This year's symposium will focus on cultural work and cultural identities.

»There is no cultural identity« is the provocative thesis of the French philosopher and author François Jullien at the start of this year's conference. In an essay Jullien criticizes the reactionary fantasy of the Kulturkampf and the fears of the loss of cultural traditions. He works with the inclusive thought figure of cultural resources, i.e. language customs, educational traditions or everyday cultures - not global and uniform, but small and particular. 

François Jullien and Prasanna Oommen, former board member and active member of the Neue Deutsche Medienmacher, expert on diversity, interculture and migration, will then talk about the significance of Jullien's theses for the work of artists and cultural workers as well as cultural institutions and how cross-cultural resources can be used fruitfully. 

In addition to various inputs on cultural work and cultural identities, various workshops on topics such as the dismantling of institutional barriers in the migration society, how to deal with the cultural struggle against the right or how to approach decolonial artistic practice will take place in the afternoon. 

Further information on the event and the complete program can be found here.

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 10.00 am 




 10.30 am 

greetings by the ZKM Karlsruhe and the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg and introduction by the Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V.



 10.50 am 

expert lecture

  • François Jullien, french philosopher and author of the essay »Il n’y a pas d’identité culturelle (There is no cultural identity.)«



 11.50 am 

expert discussion

  • François Jullien, french philosopher and author of the essay »Il n’y a pas d’identité culturelle (There is no cultural identity.)«
  • Prasanna Oommen, former board member and active member of the Neue Deutsche Medienmacher, expert on diversity, interculture and migration



 12.20 pm 

Inputs on the topic

  • Elke aus dem Moore, director of the Akademie Schloss Solitude
  • Serfiraz Vural, sociologist and Performance Studies graduate, consultant for intercultural openness and anti-discrimination
  • Andreas Kern, coach and trainer for change processes and migration social opening


  1.00 pm 




  2.00 pm 

Workshops und Inputs


#1: Cultural institutions as places of community work

  • Barbara Zoé Kiolbassa, research Assistant ZKM, with colleagues from the Museum Communication Department

#2: The Body Speaks - Approaching a Decolonial Artistic Practice

  • Serfiraz Vural, sociologist and Performance Studies graduate, consultant for intercultural openness and anti-discrimination

#3: ilevel – The young Muslim art scene at eye level?

  • Dennis Kirschbaum, I,slam-Trainer*, Slam-Poet*, Chairman of JUMA e. V.
  • Soufeina Hamed alias tuffix, illustrator and psychologist (M. Sc.)
  • Tanja El Ghadouini, project coordinator, RAA Berlin and JUMA e. V.

#4: »Culture, home, identity« – How to conduct the debate?

  • Nadja Kaiser, specialist department mobirex – mobile adivce against the right
  • Friederike Hartl, Stadtjugendring Stuttgart e. V., specialist field Arbeit gegen Rechts

#5: Breaking down institutional barriers in the migration society in practice

  • Andreas Kern, coach and trainer for change processes and migration social opening
  • Tunde Adefioye, City-Dramaturg of the Royal Flemish Theatre Brussels

#6: Audience analysis - How do I look at my current and potential audience?

  • Dr. Nora Wegner, managing director of Kulturevaluation Wegner



  5.00 pm 

Summary in plenary session



Prasanna Oommen, former board member and active member of the Neue Deutsche Medienmacher, expert on diversity, interculture and migration

Organizing Organization / Institution

This conference is organised on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Minisrty of Science, Research and Arts and is organised and carried out by the Forum der Kulturen.
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

