BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time
Design - Head - Color

Compagnie Linga (CH) presents the work Flow

The search for collective consciousness full of harmony and beauty

Sat, November 16, 2019 8:00 pm CET

© Michel Bovay
Media Theater

The Compagnie Linga is back with a new creation. For their latest work, the established dance company from Pully is teaming up with the French-Korean musician duo Keda to present the original and innovative piece »Flow«.

The Swiss company Linga was inspired by movement phenomena of the animal world: especially by the fascinating dynamics of swarms of birds and fishes. These mobile, fluid formations can change their speed or direction at lightning speed without losing cohesion. The visitor experiences the flying arts of playful swarms in a figurative sense. »Flow« thematizes this collective consciousness in space as a new form of movement. Concentrated coordination of collective and synchronous movement are the focus of the piece. One embarks on a search for this collective consciousness, the flow of movement, a special relationship between individual and group. Using the rules of interaction, the dancers can react synchronously and quasi instinctively to each other.

The live music – composed by Delplanque and E'Joung-Ju – is of hypnotic warmth and grace. The meditative sounds are mixed with electronic music and other styles to round off this fascinating dance spectacle.

Duration: 60 min.

Idea and choreography:            Katarzyna Gdaniec & Marco Cantalupo
Co-production:                          Compagnie linga, L'Octogone Théâtre de Pully
Performers:                               Aude-Marie Bouchard, Marti Güell Vallbona, Ai Koyama, Andor Rusu, Manuela Spera, Csaba Varga, Cindy Villemin
Lighting design:                       German Schwab
Music:                                      Keda (Mathias Delplanque, E'Joung-Ju)
Stage design:                           Emilien Allenbach, Geneviève Mathier, Grégory Gaulis
Costumes:                                Geneviève Mathier

Organizing Organization / Institution

Kulturverein Tempel Karlsruhe e. V.


In Cooperation with the Jazzclub Karlsruhe


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

