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Open Data Day

Action day and exchange on open data

Sat, March 07, 2020 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm CET

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Photo: Tanja Meissner
Media Lounge

As part of the »Open Data Day«, the Open Knowledge Lab Karlsruhe invites to an exchange on open data – the key resources for social and economic activities in the digital age.

The »Open Data Day« is a day of activities where local groups organise their own events. Last year (2019) there were more than 400 events worldwide. 

All over the world, there will be events about open data on 7 March 2020 – also in Karlsruhe. Open data and the tools to evaluate them create transparency and enable democratic participation through informed societal decision-making. In order to support exactly this, the Open Knowledge Lab Karlsruhe invites interested people to get to know each other and exchange ideas for the sixth time.

No matter what age or technical skills you have – everyone can participate in the »Open Data Day« – regardless of whether you are a newcomer or a data expert.

We will start the »Open Data Day« at 1 pm in the ZKM Media Lounge with an introduction to the world of open data using current projects from Karlsruhe and other labs as examples. We have a number of contributions on open data from the perspective of administration and journalistic work. Smaller workshops will give first insights into data use and generation, e.g. with self-made sensors. Until 6 pm we will jointly find ideas for new data stories, visualizations or applications and plan the application for the »UNESCO City of Media Arts« funding program.

In addition to working with the open data that the city of Karlsruhe makes available in its transparency portal, this year's focus will be on data that is important for the city's new climate protection concept. In between, questions can be asked, discussed and tried out – if you bring a notebook, you can take the results of the day home with you.

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

