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Political Islam - Stress test for Germany

Lecture and discussion with Susanne Schröter

Wed, December 02, 2020 7:00 pm CET

© Gütersloher Verlagshaus

Canceled – New appointment in 2021


The event questions the Islam policy in Germany. The one-sided empowerment of political Islam, represented by large organizations of foreign governments, increasingly represents a conflict with secular modernity and the individual's rights of freedom in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter is an ethnologist and director of the Research Centre for Global Islam at the Goethe University Frankfurt. She describes the major Muslim associations represented in Germany, which are primarily organized from abroad, in terms of their organizational structure and orientation. The focus is on the Turkish-Islamic synthesis, which combines nationalism, racism and Islamism and defines itself as the new centre of the Muslim Brotherhood. Religious norms instead of fundamental rights - a challenge to us all. The current information provides orientation in order to be able to differentiate between theologically based religious practice and political Islam. 

Accompanying program


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