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ne(x)t_generation 8.5

Streaming festival of electronic university studios

Fri, June 25 – Sun, June 27, 2021

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Design: 2xGoldstein

As the largest meeting of university studios for electronic music, »next_generation« offers young composers a platform to present their compositional projects and to get into conversation with each other.

From June 25–27, 2021, a special edition of the festival »next_generation« will take place daily from 6–9 pm CEST. Special edition in the sense that ZKM | Hertz-Labor does justice to the current situation, but also to the digital transformation and conducts the festival online for the first time. The »next_generation« has long been a »net_generation«, which is not least noticeable in the current dynamics in electronic music and teaching. 

Together with the participating 24 university studios, we will present a diverse program over the course of three days. Because of the pandemic, conventions and routines are being called into question and dissolved to a great extent. What was familiar is disappearing and becoming a rarity. As a result, music production and education also sees itself confronted with new challenges. That is why the presentations of experimental concert contributions and performances and the audiovisual works of the university studios will represent a reflection of this transformation. 

The range of topics presented and the questions being asked during the podium discussions by the students, lecturers, and university studio directors, as well as by the experts from the ZKM | Hertz-Lab, will provide an insight into the interplay of technology and art, which is a part of the current creative work of these composers. 

These discussions will cover observations about the influence of artificial intelligence on the creative process, uncertainties regarding the handling of aesthetic diversity, and strategies for maintaining aesthetic continuity amid technological upheavals.

With this program, »ne(x)t_generation 8.5« offers a representative overview of the current creative work of the upcoming generation of composers in the context of technology and art and against the background of current challenges and framework conditions.

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About ne(x)t_generation 8.5

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    The 8.5th edition of ne(x)t_generation is dedicated to a net generation, as already expressed in the title, and at the same time reflects the current conditions of digital music production and teaching. Unfortunately, we cannot hold this year's festival as an on-site event as originally planned. Instead, we may invite the interested public and the university studios to a streaming festival, during which current projects of the students will be presented and urgent questions will be discussed over three days.

    The past year has been marked by numerous paradigm shifts, not least in higher education, that have challenged conventions and routines. Dedicated distance learning and a rich streaming offering have adapted to the new situation while creating new opportunities. Even if it was not possible to rehearse and teach together and the teachers and students sorely missed contacts and concerts, at the same time alternatives were discovered and established and communicated musically via the net. Be it with a low-latency infrastructure or software like »JamKazam« – suddenly the vocabulary of interaction expanded. It will be exciting to see to what extent these new methods can establish themselves and what place they will find in our everyday culture, in musical production and reception. 

    The ZKM | Hertz-Lab will accompany this process in the coming years, among other things with further editions of the festival next_generation. Thus, we hope to be able to offer a stage to a next_generation again next year live on site in the form of a presence event.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students and teachers for their participation in the organization and realization of this first special edition of ne(x)t_generation and I am looking forward not only to the works of the students, but also to exciting panel discussions.  
    Ludger Brümmer and the Hertz-Lab Team

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Friday, June 25 

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6 pm CEST | Panel Discussion

Which impact does AI have on the creative process?


Claudia Jane Scroccaro (KE Composition Student & TA of the Studio for Electronic Music at HMDK Stuttgart)  

Irini Aravidou (Master Student of Multimedia Composition, HfMT Hamburg)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Seibert (Head of the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI), HfM Karlsruhe)

Dr. Olivier Pasquet (Composer, Music Producer, Visual Artist, currently research associate at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), ZHdK)

Dr. Daniel Bisig (Research Staff at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), currently Assistant Professor at the Coventry University)

Prof. Ludger Brümmer (Composer, Head of ZKM | Hertz-Lab & Professor of Composition for Digital Media, HfM Trossingen)

Moderation: Yannick Hofmann (ZKM | Hertz-Lab) 


8.45 pm CEST | Contributions of the university studios


1. Sound Arts Studies, HKB Bern


Michael Bernauer »user using computer using user« (2021-2021), 8‘15‘‘

2. FMSBW Electronic Studio in the Institute for new music, Hanover University of Music Drama and Media


»FMSBWBSMF« video montage from the works:


Emanuele Grossi »Spreading!« (2021)

Rachel Walker »The Space in Between« (2020)


Ilgin Ülkü »Hindemith zu Hause« (2021) 


Luis Salgueiro »versteht« (2018)


Shadi Kassaee »a_gain« (2018) 


Jaime Farias »Sobre el Espacio Entre las Notas« (2019) 


Daria Cheikh-Sarraf »Herakles am Scheideweg« (2021) 


Philipp Henkel »Gleichschaltung« (2017/21) 


Marijana Janevska »Silence(d)« (2020)

3. Trossingen University of Music


Luis Fabian Miehlich »Innate Organicities« (2020-2021), 5‘45‘‘


Luka Swoboda »Cala del Aliento« (2021), 5‘04‘‘


Yannick Blomdahl »Conversation with the Past, Teil 2 & 3« (2020), 2‘43‘‘ (excerpt)


Oriki (Music) & Itamar Skalka (Video) »REAL LIFE« (2020), 2‘15‘‘

4. Studio for Electroacoustic Music, Leipzig University of Music and Theatre


Junyu Guo »Unfinished Daydream« (2021), 4‘08‘‘


Ben Meerwein »Sweet home« (2021), 4‘04‘‘


Niayesh Ebrahimi »Impermanence« (2021), 5‘

5. Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM), University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG)


Jürgen Mayer »Outer City« (2021), 12‘16‘‘

6. Karlsruhe University of Arts and Desing 


Frank Bierlein, Marco Zampella & Moph Zielke »Weibelmaschine« (2020 – 2021), Variable Duration


Vivian Reuter & Lorenz Schwarz »Wireless Sound Modules« (2021), Variable Duration


Dohi Kim »Where Do You Go If Dreams Don't Fix You?« (2021), ca. 7‘30‘‘ (excerpt)


Anina Land »Mit dem Mond im Gesichte« (2019), 27‘ (excerpt)


Su Lu & Yunfei Zhang »酷盖 performance« (2021), 10‘ (excerpt)


Ichiigai HfG Karlsruhe & SIVA Shanghai (excerpt) »Cyberjam« (2020), 10‘


Gain Defect (Anne Tönsmann, Max Bechler, David Hill & Matthias Vogelgesang) »Sing a Song of a Song« (2020), 5‘ (excerpt)


Hangyan Chen, Kimin Han, Jihye Jang, Dohi Kim, Xingchen Liu, Su Lu & Ruoyi Qiu »4000« (2020), 10‘ (excerpt)


Su Lu »Zikade« (2019), 8‘ (excerpt)

7. Studio for Electronic Music, Cologne University of Music


Jun Ho Jang »Variation of Hum III« (2021), 9'23''

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Saturday, June 26 

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6 pm CEST | Panel Discussion

Between Art Music and Pop: How do electronic studios deal with aesthetic diversity, and what might this heterogeneity add to the education process now and in the future?


Prof. Dr. Michael Edwards (Professor of Electronic Composition at the Institute for Computer Music and Electronic Media (ICEM), Folkwang University of the Arts)   

Rebecca Beauchamp (M.F.A., ex-Media: Sound, KHM Köln)

Prof. Daisuke Ishida (Professor of Sound Art, Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, UdK Berlin)

Noémi Büchi (Composer, Performer & Master Student of Electroacoustic Composition at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), ZHdK)

Prof. Orm Finnendahl (Professor & Education Director of Composition, HfMDK Frankfurt)

Moderation: Prof. Ludger Brümmer (Composer, Head of ZKM | Hertz-Lab & Professor of Composition for Digital Media, HfM Trossingen) 


8 pm CEST | Contributions of the university studios


 1. Hamburg University of Music and Theatre


Itzik Gil Avizohar »A WHOLE« (2021), 4‘11‘‘ (excerpt)


Yuri Akbalkan »ricercar« (2021), 15‘ (excerpt)


Diego Muhr »Crop3« (2021), 9‘ (excerpt)


Juan Jaramillo »Sinostosis Radiocubital« (2021), 12‘ (excerpt)


Víctor Ernesto Gutiérrez Cuiza »Punto de Vista« (2021), 15‘ (excerpt)


Alicia S. Ryes »GURG – an almost-ready-made« (2021), 9‘45‘‘ (excerpt)


Tam Thi Pham »1.5m« (2021), 12‘ (excerpt)


Irini Aravidou »09876543210« (2021), 7’ (excerpt)


Michael Brailey »You, Copiphora gorgonensis« (2020), 60‘ (excerpt)


Tobias Pfeil »Lied für Ghost« (2021), 20‘45‘‘ (excerpt)

2. Musica Elettronica & Tecnici del Suono (METS), Conservatorio di Cuneo


METS-Cuneo (Cristina Mercuri, Simone Giordano, Simone Conforti, Gianluca Verlingieri) »COREOFONIE. Sound->Light->Gesture« (2021), 13’

3. Studio for Electroacoustic Music, University of the Arts Bremen


Yejun You »Warten auf lokales Radio« (2021), 3‘


Maria Pelekanou (Music) & Ren Evora (Video)»Palirroia« (2021), 1‘57‘‘


Christian Rosales Fonseca »La Cacerola Vigila« (2021), 2‘05‘‘ (excerpt)


Qi Chu (Music) & Alexander Derben (Video) »Shut Down All Camps« (2020), 1‘


Jonas Otte »Ennui« (2021), 2‘09‘‘ (excerpt)


Maria Pelekanou (Music) & Alexander Derben (Video) »Big Brother« (2020), 1‘04‘‘


Ehsan Ebrahimi »Dard« (2021), 2‘30‘‘ (excerpt)


Maria Pelekanou (Music) & Alexander Derben (Video) »Niños de Madrid«, (2020), 1‘

4. International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA), University for Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt am Main (HfMDK)


Michael Beil »swap« (2014), 10‘06‘‘

5. Studio for Electronic Music (StEM), State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart (HMDK)


Bengisu Önder »In Depth of a Dream« (2020), 20’ (excerpt)


Brandon Snyder »Music About Music About Background Music - II« (2020), 18’ (excerpt) 

6. Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin (HEAR) / Academy of Music & The Conservatory of Strasbourg


Matías Rosales »Synesthésie« (2021), 8’26‘‘ (excerpt)


Electronic Ensemble of Strasbourg (EES) »Acide Harmonique« (2021), 7‘02‘‘


Ganghyuk Lee »Limbo« (2021), 10‘54‘‘ (excerpt)

7. Studio for Electronic Music (SEM), University Mozarteum Salzburg


John Hwang »Time Piece« (2021), 4’40‘‘ (excerpt)


Erik Stocker »Omphalos« (2021), 1‘44‘‘ (excerpt)


Oscar Jockel »golden tree – alone. all one« (2020), 3‘45‘‘ (excerpt)


Alexander Bauer »Vertical Day« (2020) 4‘40‘‘ (excerpt)

8. Institute for Computer Music and Electronic Media (ICEM), Folkwang University of the Arts


Simon Bahr »...And Sugar (Low-Sugar Version)« (2021), 3‘18‘‘


Levin Zimmermann »oT|2019|2020|2021‘1« (2019-2021), 1‘22‘‘


Theo Voerste »Raumerweiterung: Protoyp #1« (2021), 3‘15‘‘


Clarissa Ray Porst »Trainscape« (2020-2021), 2‘42‘‘


Levin Zimmermann »oT|2019|2020|2021‘2«, (2019-2021), 1‘22‘‘


Leon Maximilian Focker»Claw Machine II« (2021), 2‘50‘‘

9. Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, UdK Berlin


Martin Moolhuijsen »The Sound of a Pupil Shrinking« (2020), 7’36’’


Antonino Modica »LOSS.MOV« (2020), 4’41’’


Angelo Harmsworth, Arni Valur Kristinsson, Francis Sosta, Hayden Dean Prosser, Hyewon Suk, Nicolás Espinoza, Juan Sebastián Aguilar »Phase Transitions« (2021), 11‘20‘‘

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Sunday, June 27 

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6 pm CEST | Panel Discussion

Technological Dynamics: What strategies do universities employ to establish aesthetic continuity against a backdrop of technological disruption?


Claudia Jane Scroccaro (KE Composition Student & TA of the Studio for Electronic Music at HMDK Stuttgart)  

Rebecca Beauchamp (M.F.A., ex-Media: Sound, KHM Köln)

Kirsten Reese (Head of the UNI.K | Studio for Electroacoustic Composition, Sound Art and Sound Research, UdK Berlin)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Seibert (Head of the Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI), HfM Karlsruhe)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Prins (Director of the Hybrid Music Lab, HfM Carl Maria von Weber Dresden)    

Moderation: Prof. Ludger Brümmer (Composer, Head of ZKM | Hertz-Lab & Professor of Composition for Digital Media, HfM Trossingen)


8.15 pm CEST | Contributions of the university studios


1. Studio for Electroacoustic Music (SeaM), University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar


Adam Erkan Rojahn »aggressive origami« (2021), 05’05“


Jascha Hagen »deconstructed piano« (2021), excerpt


Josephine Prkno »Atem« (2020), excerpt


Alfredo Ardia »Scenari Invisibili« (2017)


Paul Hauptmeier & Martin Recker »Microtranslation #2« (2021), excerpt, live

2. Hybrid Music Lab, Dresden College of Music Carl Maria von Weber


Jaei-Hyuk Ra, Ole Hübner, Beniamino Fiorini, Sowon Yun & Sol-i So »Comprovisation« (2020), 3‘54‘‘


Beniamino Fiorini »Smarrimento« (2019), 6‘35‘‘


Ziteng Ye, Beniamino Fiorini, Jens Müller, Jadwiga Frej »Comprovisation« (2020), 3‘18‘‘

3. Studio for Electronic Music and Acoustics (selma), University for Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt am Main (HfMDK)


Lydia Balz  »Aubade« (2020), 7‘30‘‘ (excerpt)


Robin Wächtershäuser »Euronymous« (2020), 7‘30‘‘ (excerpt)

4. UNI.K | Studio for Electroacoustic Composition, Sound Art and Sound Research, University of the Arts Berlin (UdK)


Concert excerpts from:


Luca Stafffiere »Klangfarbe auf schwingendem Fell« (2020)


Nik Bohnenberger »creatorni« (2020)


Markus Radke »Christian Breibach« (2020)


Adele Marcia Kosman »Lead You Home« (2020)


5. Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatory, The Hague


Giulia Francavilla Live Coding Performance (2020), 4‘ (excerpt)


Farzaneh Nouri »Pleiotropic Oscillations« (2021), 4‘ (excerpt)


Mihalis Shammas »Live Performance with the Lyraei« (2021), 4‘ (excerpt)

6. ComputerStudio, Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology (IMWI), Karlsruhe University of Music


Jacqueline Butzinger, Jia Liu & Shu Ching Chon »__.__« (2020), 13‘45‘‘

7. Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)


Eric Larrieux (composition) & Yuki Shiraishi (metal working) »Origins« (2019), 5‘15‘‘


David Inauen »Starren Vol 1, „Ohne Halt“« (2020), 9‘33‘‘

8. Klanglabor, Academy of Media Arts Cologne


Rebecca Beauchamp »Jeanette's Dream« (2017-2018), 2‘21‘‘


kraphük (Elisa Kühnl, Jiyun Park) »Noisy Hyperventilation« (2021), 3‘31‘‘


Alex Simon Klug (Composition) & Kristina Lenz (Visual) »2:56« (2021), 2‘56‘‘


Jacob Höfle & Inwoo Jung »Fantastic Transforming« (2021), 3‘


Hajar Asyura (Composition and Production) & Yohanes Bimo Pratama (Video) »Kebal« (2021), 2‘50‘‘



ZKM | Hertz-Lab

Ludger Brümmer, Yannick Hofmann (Artistic Direction) 

Dominik Kautz (Project & Production Management)

ZKM | Video Studio

Moritz Büchner, Hauke Jörgensen, Andy Koch, Xenia Leidig, Peter Müller, Tim Wenz, Christina Zartmann (Content Processing & Editing)

Xenia Leidig (Graphic Art & Trailer Animation)

ZKM | Communication & Marketing

Lena Becker, Adamantia Goulandris, Sabine Jäger, Jana Kistner, Adrian Koop, Lena Schneider, Charlot Schümann, Dominika Szope



Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

