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The Morning Line's Yello

The ZKM | Sound Pavilion plays Yello’s new album »Point« (2020)

Fri, November 06, 2020 – Sun, January 31, 2021

© Helen Sobiralski

The 14th studio album »Point« by Swiss music duo Yello, which was released at the end of August, resounds in a spatialized version via the Sound Pavilion’s multichannel speaker system.

In the midst of the pandemic, the Platz der Menschenrechte [Square of Human Rights] is filled with sounds sans musicians. The Sound Pavilion »The Morning Line« is playing a digital open air concert throughout day and night. In close cooperation between Boris Blank and the msm studio group Munich, a sound mix of the 12 new pieces by Yello for the surround sound format Dolby Atmos was created this year. This unique sound mix forms the starting point for an adaptation curated by Peter Weibel for the Sound Pavilion »The Morning Line« with the kind courtesy by the musicians Boris Blank and Dieter Meier. It was realized by sound engineer Ben Miller at the ZKM | Hertz Lab. Until January 31, 2021, the soundscape of the Yello album can be experienced through »The Morning Line«.

»The Morning Line« consists of 41 loudspeakers and 12 subwoofers which are guided by a central control unit. It was designed by artist Matthew Ritchie, the architects Aranda\Lasch and the Advanced Geometry Unit (AGU) by Arup specifically for rendering space-filling electroacoustic compositions. The installation is a colossal sound body accessible for visitors. The unique sound system was designed by Tony Myatt and the Music Research Centre of York University.

ZKM thanks Dieter Meier, Boris Blank and Peter Vitzthum for providing the album and for the friendly cooperation.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 112997
flex-row-9-3 reverse


1. Waba Duba, 3'07"
2. The Vanishing Of Peter Strong, 3'22"
3. Way Down, 3'19"
4. Out Of Sight, 3'03"
5. Arthur Spark, 3'35"
6. Big Boy's Blues, 3'27"
7. Basic Avenue, 2'55"
8. Core Shift, 3'00"
9. Spinning My Mind, 3'19"
10. Hot Pan, 3'17"
11. Rush For Joe, 3'25"
12. Siren Singing, 3'43"

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe


Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

