Current Exhibitions

The exhibition program of ZKM is multifaceted and takes place both in the atria of the Hallenbau and in the digital space, as well as internationally.

Exhibitions // ZKM Atrium in the Hallenbau in Karlsruhe

Past exhibitions can be found in the exhibition archive.

Sat, June 22, 2024 – Sun, October 06, 2024, Atrium 8+9

BLACK FLAGS. Edith Dekyndt, William Forsythe, Santiago Sierra

The exhibition »BLACK FLAGS« engages with the motif of the black flag by means of three selected works, which can be interpreted in multiple ways, both aesthetically and politically.


Sat, May 04, 2024 – Sun, November 24, 2024, Atrium 1+2, Ground Floor

(A)I Tell You, You Tell Me. Three Encounters for People and Machines

The exhibition slots into the current discourse on AI and offers the opportunity to enter into dialog and exchanges with algorithmic systems.


Thu, February 04, 2024 – Sun, September 08, 2024, Atrium 9, Ground Floor

But is it safe?

The third edition of the »Digiloglounge« is dedicated to the potential risks of digital transformation for democracy, privacy and autonomy.


From Sat, 29 April 2023 – Permanent exhibition, Atrium 1+2, Ground Floor + 1st Floor

Kunsthalle Karlsruhe @ZKM – A New Look at the Museum’s Collection

The main building of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe has been closed for extensive renovation. However, significant parts of the collection are now accessible to the public again – as the guests of the ZKM | Karlsruhe. 


Sat, September 29, 2022 – Permanent exhibition, Atrium 1+2, 2nd Floor

zkm_gameplay. the next level

The computer game platform of ZKM. It invites visitors to engage in informative and creative exchange – and, of course, to play games. The exhibition is aimed at gamers of all ages, but also at visitors who have little experience with computer games.


Exhibitions // Preview

Thu, July 18, 2024 – Sun, November 24, 2024
Thu, July 25, 2024 – Sun, August 25, 2024
Sat, July 27, 2024 – Sun, September 08, 2024
Sat, August 3, 2024 – Sun, November 10, 2024
Thu, August 15, 2024 – Sun, September 15, 2024

Exhibitions // ZKM Worldwide

Mon, May 13, 2024 – Sat, August 27, 2024 | France

The Next Renaissance – Le Goût de l’Invisible


Exhibitions // ZKM Digital

Digital exhibitions are a special research focus of ZKM, so we also offer you interesting exhibitions online.

bMEDIA - Virtual Exhibition of »BioMedia« 

bMEDIA is a digital platform and part of the exhibition »BioMedia. The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior«.


Critical Zones – Virtual Exhibition

Take a moment to just be. Welcome to the Critical Zone.
The virtual platform of the exhibition.


Online now

Iconoclash as a Digital Experience

Enter a virtual exhibition model of »Iconoclash«, a historical landmark project of the ZKM.


ZKM International

International presentations of ZKM

Collections & Research

From painting, sculpture, video art, performance and computer-based works to music – our collection and archives provide you a wide-ranging view of the art and history of the 20th and 21st century!

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