Petra Olschowski | Keynote Adress | Forum »Digitale Welten«
The Art of Changing – Digitality and Cultural Institutions

- Date
- Duration
- 15:56
Where lie the challenges, opportunities and risks of digitisation for art and culture? What are the ethical challenges of digitisation? How are the role and self-image of art and culture changing in the digital society? How is discourse organized in a digital society? What does digitalization mean for artistic work, art institutions and the mediation of art and culture?
More than technology: Digitisation also has cultural and ethical dimensions. In the cultural dialogue "Digital Worlds", Minister of Science Theresia Bauer and State Secretary for the Arts Petra Olschowski discussed the topic "The Art of Changing" with artists and guests at the ZKM. The focus was on workshops dealing with communication, change management and corporate culture.
Video documentary:
ZKM | Videostudio
Camera: Moritz Büchner, Xenia Leidig
Editing: Xenia Leidig