Dan Wilcox

AI generated red vein pattern
Audio File
Credit Label
I work a lot in open source. This is creative tools where people are providing existing tools to other people. They don't have to be low-level software developers, but they can take something that works and then use it to express themselves online or with computers to make it easier and more accessible for people.And I think that it's super important that we all get a chance to put our hands on it. So, for instance, if you're working with AI, you're probably using a pre-trained model, and that pre-trained model might be used to detect a person. But if that model is only created by people who look like me, a white guy with glasses, then it's probably not going to do a good job of finding someone that looks different than me.And I think it's really important that we make these tools accessible so that other people in other communities can make their own models to find people that don't look like me, for instance. And as artists, we should question that.


Hi, my name is Dan Wilcox. I'm an artist, engineer, musician, performer. I work in software development and research for the ZKM Hertz Lab. Why am I a media artist? I think, mainly because software, electronics, big data, AI, those are the tools of our time. Those are the things that are shaping the way we are moving forward, building communities and expressing ourselves. And I think as artists it's imperative that we learn to use these tools and utilize them also for our own expression. But also so that other people within our community can better understand how these things are shaping our times.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
