A short Introduction into the ZKM | Institute for Media, Education and Economics



The ZKM | Institute for Media, Education, and Economics is devoted to investigating, within the scope of commissioned research, the economic and social processes set in motion by the increased use of the new media. The information gained in this way forms an important basis for the Institute's own media technology developments. The integration of economic and social research at the ZKM permits the early detection of trends in the new media, and allows this information to be put to good use in a variety of research disciplines in both industry and government. This means that economic and social research does not have to be »brought in« later from outside, as is the case with traditional research, but is already linked to the object of research from the start phase. This close linkage between economic and social research and media technology can generate a number of decisive advantages. It enables scientific policy consulting that informs decision-makers early and in detail about relevant changes in the new media. Thus any necessary executive actions can be implemented quickly, with little expense, and with a minimum of new rules and regulations. For private enterprises, associations, and the public as well as at the political level, the integration of economic and social research with media technology leads to intelligent applications of the new media. To reach these goals, besides forming an interdisciplinary and forward-looking research orientation, a close reciprocal relationship must be established between scientific theory, empirical research and application-oriented consulting. With its numerous skills in key media technology areas, the ZKM affords a virtually ideal situation for the practical implementation of this research. The Institute's clients include the European Union, German federal and state ministries, municipalities, scientific foundations and private enterprises.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
